Why We Can Expect Persecution To Grow Worse This Year

by Jack Wellman
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Here is why we can expect Christian persecution to grow worse this year, and yes, even in America. North Korean Persecution In 1945, when the Korean peninsula was divided by Soviet and American occupation, there were 500,000 Christians in North Korea, and that includes both of Kim II-sung’s parents, the founders of the communist party […]

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Why Jesus Is Our Only Hope In These Perilous Times

by Jack Wellman
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Looking at the world from a human standpoint, it’s hard to have much hope about the future, but believers can rest in the hope we have in God during these perilous times. No Hope without Christ Looking at the world from a human standpoint, it’s hard to have much hope about the future, but believers […]

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Has God Removed His Blessing From America?

by Jack Wellman
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H as God removed His blessing on America? Do the recent economic woes, pandemics, and natural disasters prove that God’s removed His blessings and hedge of protection from America? Blessings for Obedience After God had established Israel as a nation, God warned them about the national blessings of obedience and the national curses for disobedience. […]

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The Book Of Habakkuk Is Perfect For Today’s World

by Jack Wellman
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How can an Old Testament Book like the Book of Habakkuk still be completely relevant to the times we live in today? Find out why the Book of Habakkuk is a book for today. Habakkuk the Prophet There is little known about Habakkuk the Prophet except he came from Judah. His name means “to embrace” […]

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What Are The Times Of The Gentiles?

by Jack Wellman
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The Apostle Paul wrote about a time where Israel’s heart would be hardened until “the fullness of the Gentiles,” so what does that mean, and when will that time come? Salvation is of the Jews Jesus told the Samaritan Woman at the Well, “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, […]

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How Pandemics, Depressions And Disasters Are Used By God

by Jack Wellman
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How can any good come from global pandemics, economic depressions, and natural disasters? God has a history of using evil for good. The Black Plague Perhaps the worst disaster to ever occur in human history, besides the Flood, was the Black Plague, which was also known as the Pestilence and the Great Mortality, but it […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Racism, Prejudice and Violence?

by Jack Wellman
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In a nation ready to explode with riots, burning, looting, and killing, what does the Bible say about dealing with racism, prejudice, and violence? No Reason for Racism When it comes down to it, there’s really only one race…the human race. The Apostle Paul, speaking about the Creator, said that “he made from one man […]

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Will Violence Continue To Grow As Jesus’ Return Nears?

by Jack Wellman
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Will violence continue to escalate as the time of Jesus’ appearance draws near? As in the Days of Noah The recent law enforcement issues have created tensions between African-Americans and police. Even though actual reports of police brutality are in the small minority, it doesn’t take much for our society to take to the streets. […]

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Is The Coronavirus A Sign Of The End Times Or Last Days?

by Jack Wellman
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Many believe that the coronavirus is a sign of the end times. Are they right? Is this pandemic a sign that Jesus is coming soon? A Seared Conscience The Apostle Paul warned about a time when people would be living in such a sinful state that they acquire a seared conscience. Sinning often desensitizes us […]

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Did The Book Of Chronicles Predict The Coronavirus And Locust Outbreak?

by Jack Wellman
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Is it possible that the Book of Chronicles predicted or prophesied the coronavirus and locust outbreak in Africa? Conditional Blessings God is no respecter of nations any more than He is a respecter of persons. What that means is God does not care whether you are Jewish or Gentile, male or female, or rich or […]

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