The Trinitarian Nature of Effectual Calling

by Guest
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How does the Trinity work in our Salvation? Actually, all Three Persons of the Trinity are involved in our being saved. The Work of Three How does the Trinity work in our Salvation? Actually, all Three Persons of the Trinity are involved in our being saved. The doctrine of effectual calling is a clear expression […]

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Why So Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus said many are called, but few are chosen, so why are so few saved while many more are not? The Broad Path Jesus said many are called, but few are chosen, so why are so few saved while many more are not? If there is a broad path anywhere, it is not to heaven, […]

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How Does One Become a Christian?

by Guest
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H ow does one become a Christian? What is their part of the process and what is God’s part? Becoming a Christian How does one become a Christian? What is their part of the process and what is God’s part? Contrary to what many believe, we cannot become a Christian…at least on our own. We […]

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How Abraham’s Calling is Like Ours

by Jack Wellman
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Why would God call Abraham while he was still practicing in paganism? God called Abraham in similar fashion to how He called us. The Unconditional Covenant The story of Abram in Genesis 12 and his calling by God contains particular genre characteristics that are unique in the Bible. The original context of his calling and […]

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What Does it Mean to Be Sealed by the Holy Spirit?

by Jack Wellman
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The New Testament says believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit, but what does it mean to be sealed by the Spirit? The Holy Spirit The New Testament mentions that believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit, but what does it mean to be sealed by the Spirit? To begin with, the Holy Spirit is […]

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What Scripture Says About God’s Call On Your Life

by Jack Wellman

The Bible says that God calls us or elects us to trust in Christ, so what do you do when God has a calling on your life? He Calls If you read any of the prophets and even the apostle’s letters, in the very beginning they always write that it was God Who called. It […]

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Lord, Are There Few That Be Saved?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus said, many are called, but few are chosen, so are there only a few that will be saved? The Invitation In the Parable of the Wedding Feast, which is symbolic of the banquet believers will dine at in the kingdom (Rev 19:6-9), Jesus said that God “sent his servants to call those who were […]

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Are There Some People God Will Not Save?

by Jack Wellman
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Does God predestine some to be saved and some to be lost? Are there some people God will not save? Predestination The Bible clearly teaches that believers have been called from before the foundation of the earth, so it’s not shocking to us that God has elected those whom He will save. The Apostle Paul […]

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Should Christians Vote? Should They Donate Money To Politicians?

by Robert Driskell
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Every time an election comes around, many Christians struggle with whether they should be involved in the political process or not.  Are believers supposed to be involved in the political/social aspects of life, or are we to adopt more of a ‘hands-off-and-pray’ attitude?  These questions get even more convoluted if there is no clear choice […]

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