How To Use Your Life Experience To Mentor and Help Others

by Jack Wellman
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How can you use your life experience to help mentor others? Paul Mentors Titus Everyone needs a mentor and no one will ever outgrow their need for a mentor just as no one will ever outgrow the need to be mentored. I believe that every Timothy needs a Paul (or a mentor) but also every […]

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What Does A Spiritual Mentor Do In The Life Of A Christian?

by David Peach
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There are many examples of spiritual mentors in the Bible. While the word mentor is not used in the pages of Scripture, the concept of a mentor is evident in the life of Christ with His disciples. Then they became mentors to others whom they taught. A spiritual mentoring relationship or discipleship program is not […]

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What is Discipleship? Should Every Christian Disciple Others?

by Jack Wellman
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What is discipleship?  Are Christians disciples of Christ and should fellow Christian’s disciple others? The word disciple comes from the Koine (common) Greek word “mathetes” which means a pupil, student, or apprentice of some teacher.  The Teacher of the disciples in the New Testament was Jesus Christ of course.  The word disciple is related to […]

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Christian Discipleship: 7 Great Tips

by Daryl Evans

Shortly before Jesus left this earth to return to heaven he had some final words to give to His disciples.  Matthew 28:18-20 is often called the Great Commission passage and it says, “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make […]

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