Is The Time Of Your Death Predestined By God?

by Jack Wellman
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Has the day of our death been predetermined?  Are we powerless to change it?  Has God specified a time for our death and the number of our days? Predestination is… You can read about predestination, like in Ephesians 1, and all it means is that something has been predetermined…or been determined ahead of time.  This […]

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Should Christians Donate Their Bodies To Science When They Die?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible give Christians guidance on whether a believer can or should donate their body to science when they die?  What do you think about this controversial subject? The Body is Sanctified Once more the Bible is silent on a controversial subject so we must use biblical discernment to make a decision.  This question […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Communicating With The Dead?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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In an age where people claim to be more in touch with the spirit world, many people believe we can communicate with the dead and the dead can communicate with us. This belief has resulted in a flood of books, shows, and spiritual advisors who draw people in by claiming they can communicate with their […]

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Do Christians Go Immediately to Heaven After They Die?

by Jack Wellman
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Where do Christians go the moment after they die?  Is it immediately to heaven and for the unsaved, immediately to hell?  Does the Bible say where the dead go and when? One Second After Death What happens in the very next second or less after a person dies?  The destination clearly depends upon whether a […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Death? Five Important Facts

by Robert Driskell
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The subject of death is very often an unpleasant topic.  Most people would just as soon never have to think about it.  Nevertheless, things like funerals and sicknesses tend to force one to give serious thought to the issue.  There are many different ideas on just what death is.  In recent years, there have been […]

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20 Comforting Bible Verses for Grief and Grieving

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Being in the ministry my husband and I come in contact with many people who are grieved at the loss of a loved one. Bible verses for grief and grieving can be very helpful to have in your heart when someone asks why God would allow such grief in their lives. Sometimes it is just […]

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10 Christian Funeral Songs

by Pamela Rose Williams
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When a Christian goes home to be with the Lord, it can be a celebration. Sure we that are left behind will miss the presence of our beloved until we are reunited with them in Heaven, but it is a “home-going” for the beloved.  It is great to sing Christian songs at their funeral, memorial […]

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15 Comforting Bible Verses For Funerals

by Pamela Rose Williams

Imagine what it will be like to be surrounded by the glory of God. You have arrived in your eternal home – Heaven.  This is the blessed hope of every believer. But before we get there we sometimes see loved ones go before us. At the funeral of a believer we can celebrate the home […]

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How to Pray With the Dying: 5 Helpful Tips

by Jack Wellman

What do you say to a person that is dying?  What about someone who is dying without Christ?  What I would say to a person who is dying in the faith of Jesus Christ is quite different that what I would say to a person that is dying and does not believe in Him.  My […]

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Should a Christian Be Cremated?

by Jack Wellman

What does the Bible say about cremation?  Is it a sin to be cremated?  Does it make a difference to God? What Does the Bible Say About Cremation? The Bible is actually silent as to whether a deceased person should or should not be cremated or burned.  There are examples of burning the bones of […]

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