Is the Men’s Warrior Group Recommended or Biblical?

by Jack Wellman
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Is the Men’s Warrior Group from the Mankind Project something Christian men should be involved with? Men’s Warrior Group Is the Men’s Warrior Group from the Mankind Project something Christian men should be involved with? They claim to be “Sharpening men to become the husbands, fathers, and leaders God designed us to be,” but is […]

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What Is The Insider Movement?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the Insider Movement that is sweeping across some Christian circles? Is it Biblically sound? Insiders Everyone has someone to whom they’re closer to than others. Someone they can share things with that they wouldn’t tell others. Some scholars believe that James, John, and Peter were closer to Jesus than the other disciples. They […]

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How Can You Help Bring Someone Out Of A Cult?

by Jack Wellman
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What are signs that someone you know may be involved in a cult? What can you do to bring them out of it? Definition of a Cult A cult is defined as a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies, and usually a great veneration of a person, ideal, […]

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What Are Signs of Being in a Cult?

by Jack Wellman
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Cults are springing up more and more these days.  What are signs your child, your spouse or someone you know may be in a cult?  What are indications that a group is a cult?  What are the dangers? What is a Cult? The definition of a cult varies, depending upon the source.  Some describe a […]

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