Bible Verses About Church: 17 Top Scripture Quotes

by Daryl Evans
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Ecclesiology is the study of the church.  The New Testament church began at Pentecost in Acts 2.  This is often referred to as the Church Age. The definition for a church is a group that meets regularly (Hebrews 10:24-25) under organized leadership (Hebrews 13:17-18) and practices the purposes that are seen in the early church […]

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How to Plant a Church? 6 Helpful Steps

by Jack Wellman
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What steps are involved in planting a church?  Why is there a need to plant a church in the first place?  What exactly is involved in planting a church? Step One- Prayer Bask this idea in prayer.  Why do you want to plant a church?  What is the reason for it?  Are churches in your […]

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7 Tips For Leading Worship Music At A Church Service

by Derek Hill
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Psalm 81:1-3 – Sing aloud to God our strength; shout for joy to the God of Jacob!  Raise a song; sound the tambourine, the sweet lyre with the harp.  Blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon, on our feast day.  Ahhh music!  God has been generous to give me the gift […]

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How To Show Appreciation To Your Pastor: 10 Good Ways

by David Peach
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Every church should appreciate their pastor. Many pastors will never be recognized by the world for the time and effort they put into a church congregation. If they are going to be appreciated it must be done by those within their church. You should take the initiative in your church to show appreciation. This can […]

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How Does God Define Family

by David Peach
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God has chosen the framework of the family to help us understand authority and His plan in our life. The structure of the family is vital to so many other laws, principles and teachings in the Bible. If it is so important, it is also important to understand what God’s plan for the family is […]

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How to Find a Bible-believing Church

by Jack Wellman

How can you tell if the church is a Bible-believing one?  How can you tell if they are preaching from the Word of God (the Bible)?  What is a sign that a church is one that God is using?  What is a Laodicean Church like? How Can You Tell if the Church is a Bible-believing […]

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How To Choose A Church: 7 Things To Look For

by Daryl Evans

The Bible clearly shows us that the “church” is not a structure or building but rather a body of believers.  Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.”  This Bible verse emphasizes the fact that followers of Jesus must […]

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21 Great Quotes About Church

by Josh Wiley
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There are many great quotes and Bible verses about Church. Check out these Church quotes and scriptures and let me know your favorite in the comments. Also check out this great video and song to the right about how we as the Body of Christ should treat others. Powerful song! Enjoy Famous Church Quotes The […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Church Membership and Attendance?

by Jack Wellman

Does the Bible say that we need to attend church?  Is it okay for a Christian to not attend church?  With so many TV and Internet evangelists, can they replace the local church?  Is the local church irrelevant in this modern day and age?  Is church membership essential to one’s walk in Christ and to […]

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