God’s Message to the Church at Pergamum and Your Church in Revelation

by Jack Wellman
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The Book of Revelation has a message for the 7 churches that could help us examine the health or sickness of our own church, including the Church at Pergamum. The Churches: Past and Present The Book of Revelation has a message for the 7 churches that could help us examine the health or sickness of […]

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God’s Message to the Church in Smyrna in Revelation and Your Church

by Jack Wellman
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The Book of Revelation has a message for the 7 churches that could help us examine the health or sickness of our own church the Church in Smyrna. The Churches: Past and Present The Book of Revelation has a message for the 7 churches that could help us examine the health or sickness of our […]

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The Important Mental Health Benefits of Christianity and Spirituality

by Guest
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There are tremendous spiritual, physical and mental benefits to Christianity for both the person and the community. Christianity and Spirituality Both spirituality and Christianity are actually about understanding what life means and how a higher power can influence meaning. They are similar but they are quite different when it comes to practice. With Christianity, everything […]

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Why Missing Church Hurts Christians and the Church

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible say we need to attend church? Is church attendance essential to one’s walk with Christ? Questions About Church Does the Bible say that we need to attend church? Is it okay for a Christian to not attend church? With so many TV and Internet evangelists, can they replace the local church? Is […]

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Psalm 23, the Good Shepherd and the Christian Life

by Jack Wellman
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Psalm 23 is called the Lord is My Shepherd, but what does that mean for Christians today? Sheep It sounds cute that members of Jesus’ Body, the church, are called sheep. Aren’t sheep cute…even adorable? The fact is, it’s not really a compliment to be referred to as sheep. Of course, it’s great that we […]

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How the Church Can Stop the Millennials Mass Exodus

by Guest
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How can the church stop the mass exodus of millennials and help them find true love and good friends? Marriage Tara Griffith, therapist, and founder of Wellspace SF (San Francisco, USA) says that millennials grew up in a world filled with dating apps. They grew up in an environment where they have everything, and so […]

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What Does Pentecost Have to do With the Church?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you heard of the Day of Pentecost? What does this day have to do with the church and with believers? Jesus’ Church The church, in Jesus’ mind, has always existed, even before the Day of Pentecost, but of course, what God has ordained before is as good as done anyway, but regardless, Jesus came […]

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How to Dwell on the Heavenly and Not the Worldly Things

by Guest
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It’s so easy to focus on things here on earth but this takes our eyes off the heavenly prize and Christ Jesus. Priorities The problem with this world and humanity as a whole has always been that people only seek bonuses, only what they like, trying to build their lives on all kinds of favorable […]

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What Is The Role of The Church?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the role of the church for the believer and the family? What does the Bible teach about the role of the church The Church The word church is from the Greek word “ekklesia” which means “an assembly” or literally the “called-out ones/assembly,” so the church are those whom God has called and saved […]

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Why The Pastor’s Wife Is Essential To The Pastorate

by Jack Wellman
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A pastor cannot do all he can do without his wife, so read why the pastor’s wife plays an essential role in the pastorate. The Better Half A pastor cannot do all he can do without his wife, and I mean to show you proof of that, and explain to you why the pastor’s wife plays […]

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