Corrie ten Boom Quotes: 24 Favorites

by Pamela Rose Williams
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When I was teaching in the classroom (or home school) one of my student’s favorite books was The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom. This is the true story of how she and her family helped Jews escape the Nazis during World War II. They actually hid the Jews in their home! She and her […]

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Christian Easter Quotes: 25 Uplifting Sayings

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Easter is a most joyous time in Christendom. It is the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah. It is a time when we reflect upon the truth of the Gospel – that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead. Although we see Easter only one time in the King James […]

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10 Christian Sayings To Close A Letter Or Email

by David Peach
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I love reading old letters and seeing how people of years gone by opened and closed their letters. They usually introduced the letter with gentleness and closed it either very businesslike or very personally. It seemed like there was no casualness in the way they wrote; everything was intentional. Here are some suggestions for how […]

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22 Top Rick Warren Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I once lived in Lake Forest, California and Saddleback Church, where Rick Warren pastored, was practically in my back yard. That church was very active in the community and today it has grown to include several campuses and over 20,000 members. Pastor Warren’s evangelical heart has inspired these folks to evangelize their community and continually […]

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Christian Presidents: 10 Leaders Known for Their Faith

by Pamela Rose Williams
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The United States of America is founded on Christian principles. Some might argue this, however our history is well documented to include the fact that the founding fathers believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ was the foundation of our freedom and the model for our constitutional republic [1]. As another matter of fact, many of […]

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Christian Presidential Quotes: 22 Awesome Sayings

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Throughout history in the United States of America we have had many Christian Presidents. I love it when I hear a quote from one of them that reminds me about the foundation upon which this country was built. Here are just 22 quotes and awesome sayings from our Christian Presidents. “We have forgotten God. We […]

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Martin Luther Quotes: 21 Powerful Sayings

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Martin Luther was a musical man and as a child he was in a boys’ choir. I am happy to also report that he was a flautist, just like me. He is well known as the author of many hymns and even published his first hymnal in 1524. Perhaps Martin Luther was most famously known […]

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22 Quotes About The Cross

by Daryl Evans
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The cross is one of the earliest and most widely used images of Christianity.  The cross of Jesus tells a story with one single picture.  The cross takes our minds to the Roman crucifixions that were savage ways to kill people during the time of Christ.  There are many moving quotes about the cross that […]

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22 Christian Friendship Quotes

by Daryl Evans
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One of the most popular shows over the last 20 years was the show “Friends.”  In this sitcom, we (the audience) got drawn into the lives of 6 single people whose lives were constantly intertwined.  The show occasionally had some dramatic elements but was usually a show to laugh at as we watched at times […]

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Top 22 Oswald Chambers Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Oswald Chambers was a Christian minister from Scotland. In my opinion, his writings are comparable to those of Charles Spurgeon and A.W. Tozer. You might recognize him for his most famous work, entitled: “My Utmost for His Highest”, which only became known after his death. David McCasland does well to tell his life story in […]

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