Should Christians Have Non Christian Friends?

by Jack Wellman
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Should believers have non-Christian friends? Can we be friends with those outside of the Body of Christ, the church? What does the Bible say about this? Unequally Yoked When Paul was writing to the church at Corinth, he was dealing with a very worldly church. The fact that they were living in one of the […]

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Should Christians Invest In the Stock Market? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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Should Christians invest in the Stock Market?  Is there a conflict of interest if they do?  What does the Bible say about investing? Parable of the Talents I realize that the Parable of the Talents is not about money necessarily but more about what a Christian should do with the gifts that they have received […]

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What is the Emergent Church? What Do They Believe?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the emergent church and why do they call it this?  What danger is there in being in an emergent church?  What are signs that your church is becoming an emergent church? What Does Emergent Mean? The definition of the word emergent might help us to understand what exactly the emergent church is.  The […]

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Why Are We Born Sinners? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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Is it true that we are all born as sinners?  Why do we have to pay for the sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden?  Are we sinners at birth?  What does the Bible say? Born Sinners How can we be born as sinners?  Aren’t babies innocent at birth like most believe?  Let’s not […]

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Can Satan Read Our Minds and Thoughts?

by Jack Wellman
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Is it possible that Satan can read our minds?  Can he hear our prayers?  What does Satan know when we pray or think?  What does the Bible say about this? The Omniscient Jesus Jesus can not only read our thoughts, He knows the intent of our hearts.  This is an attribute of God.  Look at […]

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Why Would God Forgive Me? Answers for Those That Feel Unforgivable

by Robert Driskell
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There are many people, both Christian and non-Christian who think that they are unforgivable. They think that they have done something, or some things, so bad that God cannot, or will not, forgive them. This belief leaves many in a state of despair; they feel guilty and desperately seek forgiveness, but they just do not […]

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Where Will The Antichrist Come From? Does The Bible Say?

by Jack Wellman
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Where will the Antichrist come from?  Are there clues in the Bible to help us?  What does the Bible say about where the Antichrist comes from? What Antichrist Means Anti as in antichrist means to be opposed to or set against.  For example, someone who is anti-war is against war, opposes war, and is dead […]

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Origin of the Bible: What is its History?

by Robert Driskell
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For the Christian, the Bible is the most important book in existence. We believe it contains the truth of God in written form. It guides the way we live our lives. It presents the history of mankind from the beginning of the universe to end of our time here on earth…and beyond. Most importantly, it […]

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What Is Christian Medi-Share? Is it Biblical?

by Robert Driskell
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Medi-Share is a Christian alternative to insurance.  It has existed since 1993.  Medi-Share is based on the church model found in the book of Acts and the admonition to bear one another’s burdens found in Galatians 6:2.  This program seeks to take these principles and implement them in a systematic and organized way in order […]

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Killing of the Canaanites: What Does This Say About God?

by Robert Driskell
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There is no denying that God, in the Old Testament, commanded the nation of Israel, His chosen people, to exterminate many nations of people. Atheists use this fact to condemn the character of God. They say they refuse to believe in any being that could be so cruel and heartless. The passages that record God’s […]

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