5 Great Bible Stories About Jesus For Kids

by David Peach

There are so many great stories in the Bible to teach kids about Jesus. Here is a list of five of my favorites. The Birth of Jesus – Luke 2:8-18 When Jesus was born there were shepherds nearby taking care of their sheep. The Bible says that it was night time. The may have been […]

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Bible Verses About Children- 25 Inspirational Scripture Quotes

by Josh Wiley

The word of God contains so many great Bible verses about children. Anyone raising children knows how difficult things can get but also what a blessing the children are. I have put together a  list of Bible verses to help understand what the Bible says about children,  the importance of raising and teaching children and […]

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5 Famous New Testament Stories For Children

by David Peach

  Feeding the 5000 – Matthew 14:14-21; Mark 6:33-44; John 6:1-14 A large group of people followed Jesus into the mountains. Jesus taught them all day. When the sun started to set, the disciples realized that the people had not eaten and could not easily return to the city to get food. Jesus asked Philip […]

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5 Popular Old Testament Stories For Children

by David Peach

  The Creation of the World – Genesis 1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Those are the opening words in the Bible. We are told that God created the universe and everything in it in six days. Then on the seventh day He rested. Day 1 On the first day […]

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