Finding Fulfillment: Top 9 Jobs for Christians Seeking Purpose

by Guest
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Christians can find fulfillment not only in God but also in their work, so here are the top ten jobs for Christians. Serving Others Christians can find fulfillment not only in God but also in their work, so here are the top ten jobs for Christians. For many Christians, fulfilling work goes beyond a paycheck. […]

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The Trinitarian Nature of Effectual Calling

by Guest
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How does the Trinity work in our Salvation? Actually, all Three Persons of the Trinity are involved in our being saved. The Work of Three How does the Trinity work in our Salvation? Actually, all Three Persons of the Trinity are involved in our being saved. The doctrine of effectual calling is a clear expression […]

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How Does One Become a Christian?

by Guest
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H ow does one become a Christian? What is their part of the process and what is God’s part? Becoming a Christian How does one become a Christian? What is their part of the process and what is God’s part? Contrary to what many believe, we cannot become a Christian…at least on our own. We […]

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How Abraham’s Calling is Like Ours

by Jack Wellman
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Why would God call Abraham while he was still practicing in paganism? God called Abraham in similar fashion to how He called us. The Unconditional Covenant The story of Abram in Genesis 12 and his calling by God contains particular genre characteristics that are unique in the Bible. The original context of his calling and […]

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What Scripture Says About God’s Call On Your Life

by Jack Wellman

The Bible says that God calls us or elects us to trust in Christ, so what do you do when God has a calling on your life? He Calls If you read any of the prophets and even the apostle’s letters, in the very beginning they always write that it was God Who called. It […]

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What Was God’s Purpose For Calling You?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you ever asked yourself why God called you? What’s your purpose for being created by God? God Calls the Least If you came upon the story of Gideon, who was hiding in a winepress trying to thresh out some barley so that the starving Israelites could eat something, he would be the last person […]

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Lord, Are There Few That Be Saved?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus said, many are called, but few are chosen, so are there only a few that will be saved? The Invitation In the Parable of the Wedding Feast, which is symbolic of the banquet believers will dine at in the kingdom (Rev 19:6-9), Jesus said that God “sent his servants to call those who were […]

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Are You Coming as God Invites or Going When He Warns?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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God invites us to “come” and even “calls” us to do things. But let’s be honest, sometimes we do just as He asks and sometimes we refuse to heed His call. Take a look at what the Bible says about coming as God invites and calls and going when He warns. Invitation to Come For […]

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How Do You Know Your Being Called As A Missionary?

by Jack Wellman
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Some people might think they’re being called by God as a missionary, so how can they know for sure? On Mission Now If you believe that God might be calling you as a missionary, let me ask you a question. Have you been on mission for Christ where you live, where you work, and wherever […]

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Top 10 Bible Verses About Anointing and Oil

by Jack Wellman
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Here are my top ten Bible verses about anointing with oil. Exodus 30:25 “And you shall make of these a sacred anointing oil blended as by the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil.” Oil has long represented God’s special calling for ordaining someone or something to be used for the purpose of God’s […]

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