What The Bible Says About Prayer Cloths And Anointing Oil

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible require anointing oil and prayer cloths? Do these have special power? What does the Bible say about prayer cloths and anointing with oil? Commands for the Sick The Bible says that we ought to pray for one another.  James asks, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of […]

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Why Were Some Books Excluded From The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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Why do some Bibles have extra-biblical books in them? Why were some books excluded from the Bible? The Canon The Bible as we have it today, which consists of 66 books, took a very long, thoughtful process to come together. The church was able to discern which of the books were indeed inspired by God, […]

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10 Events Seen in All 4 Gospels

by Pamela Rose Williams
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All four of the Gospel accounts, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, share details about Jesus in a particular point of view. Matthew portrays Jesus as the King and Messiah — he focuses on what Jesus said. Mark shows Jesus as the Servant of God and he simply speaks of what Jesus did. Luke shares Jesus […]

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Biblical Signs Of The Declining Morality Of America And The World

by Jack Wellman
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What are some biblical signs of the nation and the world’s declining morality? Micah 7:1-7 The Fall and Decline of Morality National moral decline happens when God is neglected. Micah lists five different kinds of relationships that are affected by a nation’s refusal to follow God and they are shockingly close to what we see […]

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50 Women in the Bible You May or May Not Know

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Are you ready to look at some women in the Bible? I have listed 50 of them that you may or may not know. I have given you the Bible references as well so that you can look them up. Abigail #1 David’s sister (1 Chronicles 2:15-17); Abigail #2 David’s wife (1 Samuel 25:36-44) Achsah […]

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What Does the Bible Say about Diligence?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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To get the job done you must persist, you must keep going when the going gets tough. Diligence is exactly that … as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary: “steady, earnest, and energetic effort:  persevering application” [1]. Diligence is necessary for success! Let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say about diligence. Proverbs […]

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What Is The Septuagint?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the Septuagint? Why is it important that we know? The Latin Language Basically, the Septuagint is the Greek version of the Old Testament with the word “Septuagint” coming from the Latin septuaginta (interpretes), meaning “seventy” or “seventy interpreters,” and is a translation of the Hebrew into the Latin language or Latin Vulgate. This […]

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The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah Overview

by Pamela Rose Williams
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During the time of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Bible and even the Book of Esther, we can find some very complex issues that were dealt with by the Hebrew people. The books in the Bible devoted to those historical events are named for these brave and mighty men and women. Since the history is […]

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The Book of Acts: Summary and Overview

by Pamela Rose Williams
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The Book of Acts in the Bible, written around 62-63 A.D., may be best described as a history of the founding and growth of the early church. While there are some areas of great detail of the Acts of the Apostles, many times you must use cross references to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke […]

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How To Become A Fisher Of Men

by Jack Wellman
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How can we become “fishers of men?” The Bible tells us how. Knowing the Law Convicts Until a person is convicted of their sin, they will never see their need for the Savior. The law does one thing above all; it shows that we’re all guilty and worthy of God’s wrath. That’s because the law […]

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