Can A Christian Be Angry and Not Sin? Is it Biblical to Be Angry?

by Jack Wellman
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If a Christian gets angry, is this sin?   Do we have a right to be angry?  What does the Bible teach about being angry if you are a Christian? Righteous Indignation The Bible actually teaches that we can be angry but we are also told not to sin in doing so.  There are some things […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Same Sex Marriage? Is it Sin?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible say about same sex marriage?  Is it sin to marry someone of the same sex?  Does the Bible have Scripture about this subject and if so, is it out of date for our modern culture? The Word of God Endures Forever I have heard many liberal theologians say that the Bible […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Rape? How Does This Affect the Abortion Argument?

by Jack Wellman
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There are rapes that occur in the Bible. If someone is raped, does this justify having an abortion?  What perspective can we gain from the Bible on this issue? The Bible Doesn’t Hide the Truth The Bible is a unique book.  It is full of historical accounts, poetry, wisdom literature and it certainly paints a […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Interracial Dating and Marriage?

by Jack Wellman
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Is there anything in the Bible that forbids people from different ethnic origins from marrying or dating?  Can an African-American marry an Anglo-Saxon?  Is it biblical to have a Hispanic or Latino person marry a Native American?  Are there any Scriptures that address this issue? Does the Bible Say Anything About Mixing of the Races? […]

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What Are the Apocrypha Books? Should They Be in the Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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What are the Apocrypha books?  What is the controversy over these alleged authenticities?  Should the Apocrypha books be in the Bible? What Are the Apocrypha Books? The term apocrypha means “hidden, spurious or esoteric.”  Now what do the last two words mean?  They mean that they are of questionable authenticity.  The Greek word for apocrypha […]

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What Is the Illuminati Conspiracy Theory? Is It In the Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the Illuminati Conspiracy Theory?  Since it is a theory, can it be believed?  Is this theory something that can be found in the Bible?  Does it hold credence for us today? What Is the Illuminati Conspiracy Theory?  First of all, we need to know what the theory is.  The word Illuminati is from […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Music? What Should We Listen To?

by Jack Wellman
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Some like Rock and Roll, others like the traditional church hymns.  Still others choose more contemporary Christian worship songs, while some choose the near-heavy metal Christian rock.  What does the Bible say about a believer’s choice of Christian music and secular music?  Are there some principles and guidelines a believer can follow or are there […]

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10 Answers to Fear Given In The Bible

by David Peach
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In the King James Version of the Bible the phrases “fear not” and “be not afraid” appear 89 times (63 and 26 respectively). Obviously the Bible tells us, or those to whom the verses are directed, to not fear. But if we are to not be afraid, then what is the answer to the fear […]

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Is It Biblical To Go To War?

by Jack Wellman
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Didn’t Jesus say that we are to turn the other cheek if someone strikes us?  Isn’t it written that we are to love our neighbor as our self?  How can Christians justify going to war when we are told to love even our enemies? Is it biblical to go to war? Turn the Other Cheek […]

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Teaching Kids About Easter: 5 Great Ways

by David Peach
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Easter is a wonderful Christian holiday where we celebrate the risen Jesus Christ. Each year we should look forward to this day because it is a reminder of our promised future resurrection. However you choose to celebrate this holiday, here are five ways for teaching kids about Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Attend […]

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