What Does the Bible Say About Lying: A Christian Study

by Derek Hill
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All throughout the Bible, there are scriptures that discuss the topic of lying.  Some explain how certain people lied.  Others talk about the consequences of lying.  I would venture to say that lying can be one of the easiest of sins to commit.  One little sentence leaves the lips and all is well again.  We […]

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Can People Communicate With the Dead? A Christian Perspective

by Jack Wellman
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Can we communicate with the dead?  Is this possible according to the Bible?  Should Christians be trying to communicate with the dead? Communicating with the Dead I have heard about the many that portend to be able to communicate with the dead.  They hold séances and try to get in touch with the deceased in […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Adultery? Five Important Lessons

by Robert Driskell
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Infidelity.com reports that 57% of American men and 54% of American women admit to committing infidelity in any relationship they have been in.  The same site reports that 53% of American marriages end in divorce and that 74% of men and 68% of women says they would have an affair if they knew they would […]

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How Do We Know the Bible is True? Is it Really the Word of God?

by Jack Wellman
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Many critics of Christianity attack the Bible’s truthfulness.  Many don’t believe it because they say it was written by man.  Is the Bible really God speaking to man?  Is the Bible of human origin or a direct revelation from God? The Bible The word Bible is from the root word “biblios” which is plural, and […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Helping the Poor?

by Jack Wellman
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Most Christians believe we are to help the poor but how are we to make good judgments on who to help and who not to help?  Are there Bible Scriptures that tell us just how we can help the poor and what we can do to help them? The Poor in Spirit Jesus spoke about […]

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Ten Characteristics of the Anti-Christ According to the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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What are the characteristics of the anti-Christ?  Are there some people alive that have these characteristics already?  How can we identify the anti-Christ by his attributes? What is an Anti-Christ? The word “anti” means to be opposed to or to be the opposite of.  You could say that anything that has the prefix “anti” on […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Forgiveness? A Biblical Study

by Derek Hill
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Forgiveness is one of the “key” words of the Christian faith.  If God had not included forgiveness in His plan for humanity, none of us would enjoy life renewed with Him in heaven.  Without forgiveness there would be no hope at all. God And Forgiveness So, let us start with Daniel 9:9. To the Lord […]

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20 Genesis Bible Quiz Questions: Test Your Knowledge

by David Peach
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Bible quizzes are fun activities for Sunday School classes, family gatherings or friendly competition at a church event. Here are 20 questions from the book of Genesis that will test your knowledge. Some are very simple while others are more obscure.  ( The Answers will follow the Questions so Scroll down slowly to not cheat!) […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Slavery? Does it Condone It?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible teach against slavery?  Does the Old Testament or New Testament condone slavery?  What does the Bible say about slavery? Abolition of Slavery Started With Christianity Long before the end of the Civil War in the United States, William Wilberforce began the effort to abolish slavery in the British Empire.  In 1788 Wilberforce […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Death? Five Important Facts

by Robert Driskell
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The subject of death is very often an unpleasant topic.  Most people would just as soon never have to think about it.  Nevertheless, things like funerals and sicknesses tend to force one to give serious thought to the issue.  There are many different ideas on just what death is.  In recent years, there have been […]

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