7 Baptisms In The Bible

by David Peach
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Normally when we talk about baptism we are referring to what we call believer’s baptism. But there are at least seven different baptisms mentioned in the Bible. Some of these baptisms happened in the past to illustrate a future truth. Or, they are Old Testament predictors of New Testament events. We call this typology. When […]

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Mary Magdalene in the Bible: Character, Profile, and Lessons

by Crystal McDowell
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Remember the childhood story of the Little Red Hen? No one wanted to help plant, harvest, ground, or bake the bread; yet everyone wanted to help her eat it! So it is with those precious servants of Jesus Christ. They’re the first ones at the church and the last ones to leave, they help care […]

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Missionaries in the Bible: 10 To Emulate

by David Peach
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When we first think of missionaries we often think of people working in remote jungles trying to learn a tribal language and communicate the good news of the Gospel. There is certainly a need for that still today. Yet, missionaries take many forms, locations, and job descriptions. Many missionaries live in air conditioned houses, drive […]

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Battles in The Bible: 7 You Need To Know About

by David Peach
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It is exciting to read of the many victories that God’s people won in the Bible. However, sadly, they did not emerge victorious in every battle they fought. Sometimes Israel won. Sometimes it was the Philistines. Occasionally, when Israel won the immediate battle, there was sin in the camp that caused future defeats. Here are […]

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Origin of the Bible: What is its History?

by Robert Driskell
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For the Christian, the Bible is the most important book in existence. We believe it contains the truth of God in written form. It guides the way we live our lives. It presents the history of mankind from the beginning of the universe to end of our time here on earth…and beyond. Most importantly, it […]

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Is The Church Unfairly Picking on the Homosexual Community?

by Robert Driskell
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Christians are being accused of singling out the sin of homosexuality as being worse than other sins. Christians are accused of being intolerant, cruel, and judgmental when it comes to the subject of homosexuals and the homosexual lifestyle. Is this accusation accurate? Do Christians live as if they are choosing to persecute homosexuals with more […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Patience? A Christian Study

by Derek Hill
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Patience is one of the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) that can be difficult for believers.  Not only is it a necessary part of our walk with God, but it also couples uncertainty.  So when uncertainty arises, how are we to act?  How are we to be patient?  As always, let us dig down […]

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What Is Numerology? Is It Biblical?

by Jack Wellman
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What is biblical numerology? Does God assign meaning to certain numbers He put in the Bible?  If so, is it biblical? Numerology Definition Numerology is what Bible scholars believe is the placing of meaning on numbers in the Scriptures.  There is said to be numerical values in the numbers in the Pentateuch or what is […]

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Does The Bible Teach How Old The Earth Is?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible actually address just how old the earth is?  Should it make any difference?  Can we count the genealogies to reckon the age of the earth. The Creation Account The Book of Genesis says that God created the heavens and the earth and He took six days to create it.  These were literal […]

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Bible Verses On Struggle: 22 Helpful Quotes

by Daryl Evans
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Some people go through their entire life and seem to struggle all the way.  Choices are sometimes made that lead to a path of turmoil and pain.  I think if we are honest with ourselves, we all would have to admit to this struggle.  The Bible often talks about this struggle in the midst of […]

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