What Does The Bible Say About Cavemen Or The Stone Age?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible say anything at all about a lower order of mankind?  What about cavemen?  What about the Stone Age? Are Cavemen in the Bible? Of course, the word “caveman” is not found in the Bible and if there is another sub-human species that did exist, it would be one that was not created […]

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An Introduction To The Ten Commandments

by Robert Driskell
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With this article, I begin a study of the Ten Commandments. Of course, this study could never be exhaustive; however, I will attempt to put forth a compelling case for the importance, the fundamental importance, of these Commandments. Please forgive my shortcomings in dealing with this huge, and hugely important, topic. I am sure to […]

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7 Tips to Teach Your Children to Love and Use the Bible

by Crystal McDowell
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Your greatest obstacle as a parent isn’t the television or the Internet in helping your children love and use the Bible. It will be your unwavering tenacity that makes the biggest difference. In the age of the Internet, travel sports teams, and the television—parents have to make more effort to intertwine the scriptures into their […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Destiny or Fate? A Christian Study

by Crystal McDowell
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Are you destined for heaven or fated for hell? Do you have a choice in the matter at all or is your final destination determined even before you take your first breath? These are the questions that we must ask ourselves when it comes to the destiny or fate of people within and outside of […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Babylon? What Is Its Significance?

by Jack Wellman
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Does Babylon have symbolic meaning for our day today?  Does it have meaning for the future in prophecy?  What is significant about Babylon for Christians today? The Original Babylon Babylon has been around for thousands of years but today it is simply a tourist location and the ruins remain of what was once the greatest […]

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What Does The Bible and Biblical Prophecy Say About Blood Moons?

by Robert Driskell
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There is much talk in Christian circles these days about ‘blood moons’. Books are being written about them, documentaries are being filmed in an attempt to explain what they are and their significance to Christians and, indeed, mankind. What are ‘blood moons’? Do they have biblical support? Let us take a moment to look into […]

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Were There Giants in the Bible? Who Were the Nephilim?

by Robert Driskell
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There has been, and continues to be, discussion and debate about whether or not there existed giants in biblical times. Now, we know from First Samuel chapter 17 that Goliath was over 9 feet tall. If one considers a 9 foot tall man to be a giant (as I do), then clearly there existed giants […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Criticism? A Christian Study

by Derek Hill
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Criticism is defined as “the act of criticizing usually unfavorably.” (merriam-webster.com) I think this definition is one of the better ones. Most of the time criticism is a negative thing but constructive criticism can be a positive outlet to build someone up while still helping them through some flaws, mistakes or weaknesses they may have. […]

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What Does The Bible Say About War?

by Daryl Evans
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Every day that we turn on any news program it won’t be very long until the news telecast will turn to show some unrest in the forms of wars or suicide bombers all over the world.  Jesus even forewarned that the end times will show not only wars but ongoing rumors of wars so we […]

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Is There Evidence That A Global Flood In The Days of Noah Really Occurred?

by Robert Driskell
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A new movie, starring Russell Crowe, based on the biblical account of Noah and the flood is soon to be released.  Undoubtedly, this will spark many discussions concerning Noah, the flood, and the facts surrounding such an event.  Evolutionary science tells us that the physical features we see on the Earth’s surface took millions of […]

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