What Does The Bible Say About The Power of Words?

by Jack Wellman
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What is there about words that can build up or destroy?  How can we use the power of words in an encouraging and uplifting way? Words can be Healthy Proverbs 16:24 “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” There is little doubt that words can build up and […]

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Moses From The Bible: Life, Facts and Important Stories

by Jack Wellman
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Here is a survey of Moses’ life and important events of this great man of God. The Meaning of Moses’ Name Moses’ name is of Hebrew origin, which shouldn’t surprise us but some scholars believe it actually means “savior” but we do know for sure that the Hebrew word “Mosheh” (Moses) is related to the […]

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7 Not-so-Good Women of the Bible

by Crystal McDowell
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A wonderful reality of the Bible is that it doesn’t hide the sins of the people. The Lord uses even the bad examples of women in the Bible to reveal the truth of His way. He exposes how those who choose to follow after wrong will eventually deal with the consequences of their decisions. Take […]

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How Can We Identify When Satan Is Scheming Against Us?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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No matter what culture you find in the world, there is a universal belief in Satan. Likewise, each culture has their own idea of what Satan looks like and names that they use to refer to him. However, the one thing that most believe about Satan is that he makes it his mission to torment […]

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7 Simple Life Lessons Found In The Bible

by David Peach
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There are many different ways to distill the lessons of the Bible. It is such a wonderful book and worth studying for a lifetime. Here are 7 life lessons from the Bible. We could certainly look at many more, but what I have tried to do is give a big picture idea of some of […]

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5 Examples Of Worship In The Bible

by Jack Wellman
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What are 5 examples of worship you can find in the Bible?  What ones would you include? What is Worship? The word in the Hebrew for worship in the verb form is “shachah” and it means “to bow down, to prostrate oneself” or to “lay flat on the ground.”  We see many in the Old […]

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10 Positive Proclamations From The Bible

by Crystal McDowell
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Our world has many negative proclamations that focus on glorifying men rather than God. We are inundated with messages of the culture that we sometimes forget the amazing truths from the Bible. Choose one proclamation to memorize and meditate on this week. #1) Melchizedek “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and […]

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5 Biblical Concepts That Confuse Many Christians

by Jack Wellman
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What main biblical concepts seem to confuse Christians the most?  What can we study about them to lessen the confusion and hopefully, defuse any arguments? Judge Not Too many Christians stop at a certain Scripture where Jesus said “Judge not and you shall not be judged” but this is taken out of context and when […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Insecurity?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Insecurity is what happens when we fail to trust; we lack confidence. As Christians we fail to trust when we take our eyes off of the Lord and begin trusting our heart rather than trusting the strength and confidence that comes only from the Lord. The Bible has much to say about insecurity and lack […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Tolerance? A Christian Study

by Crystal McDowell
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The word “tolerance” has taken on many meanings today. Some believe tolerance means anything goes any which way the world desires. Others take tolerance to a level of intolerance towards anyone who may disagree with their point of view. But what do the scriptures teach us about tolerance? Gain a Biblical understanding with T-O-L-E-R-A-N-C-E: T […]

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