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Lions’ Jared Abbrederis: God Spoke Through a Verse and a Key Chain

by Bruce Darnall
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Jared Abbrederis was undecided on the Bible verse to use for the upcoming high school state football game (2008). He was thinking of going to his “go to” verse and the one he writes under his signature now as a professional football wide receiver for the Detroit Lions. “My buddy, Garrett Bickford, and I always […]

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Disputes and Disagreements KJV Bible Verses

by Pamela Rose Williams
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There is no one on this earth that has traveled through life free from dealing with disputes and disagreements. And God knows! That is why He gives us plenty of KJV Bible verses that deal with disputes and disagreements. Take a look at what I found: Avoid Disagreements Through Proper Thinking and Speaking Leviticus 19:18 […]

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Do Apparitions Of Jesus And Mary Come From God?

by Jack Wellman
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There are reports of apparitions of Jesus bleeding, and Mary weeping, but are these real and if so, are they from God? Apparitions of Mary There are so many reports about apparitions of Mary that we can’t possibly cover them all here, but first of all, apparitions are the appearance of something remarkable or unexpected, […]

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The Apostle Paul’s Warning About The Last Days

by Jack Wellman
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In the Apostle Paul’s last letter before death, he gave Timothy some signs of the last days. Departing from the Faith Do you know someone who once claimed to be a Christian but then later walked away from the faith? This is not a surprise to God. Perhaps it was to us, but it may […]

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What Do Dreams And Visions Mean Today?

by Jack Wellman
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Does God still use dreams and visions to communicate to His people? Interpreting Dreams Does God give people certain abilities to interpret dreams? Joseph, the son of Jacob was a dreamer but these were not like most dreams which are often so obscure, random, and by chance that we can’t put any real stock in […]

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How Does Our Heart Become Bitter and How Do We Get Rid of it?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Every now and again I meet a person who I am sad to say is very bitter. Not just about one life circumstance, but everything on this earth seems to fuel their bitterness. And I ask myself “How did their heart become so bitter?” Perhaps you have experienced the same thing. The good news is […]

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Why Doesn’t God Heal Everyone?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does God choose to heal some people and not others? His Ways When Job began to question God because of his suffering (Job 38-39), God humbled him by His answer (Job 40). The Apostle Paul, although not in the same context as suffering, wrote “Has the potter no right over the clay, to make […]

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The Seven I Am’s Of Jesus

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus said “I am the light of the world,” and several other “I am” statements. What do these mean? The Gospel of John The Gospel of John is the only Gospel that contains all seven of Jesus’ “I am” statements, and each one is significant and had special meaning which only the Jews could understand. […]

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What Does the Bible Say about Diligence?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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To get the job done you must persist, you must keep going when the going gets tough. Diligence is exactly that … as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary: “steady, earnest, and energetic effort:  persevering application” [1]. Diligence is necessary for success! Let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say about diligence. Proverbs […]

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In What Specific Ways Does God Chastise His Children?

by Jack Wellman
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God says He disciplines every child He loves, but in what ways does He do this? Love and Discipline To begin with, God is motivated by His love for us when He disciplines us. Discipline doesn’t feel good at the time, but it’s truly an act of love, because the opposite of love is not […]

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