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What Responsibility Do Adult Children Have To Their Elderly Parents?

by Jack Wellman
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Where does the adult parent’s responsibility begin and end with elderly parents? Is there an end to the children’s responsibility of their adult or elderly parents? Honor Your Parents When God gave Israel the Ten Commandments, the first four commandments were directed toward God, or vertical, but the last six were horizontal. That is, they […]

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Paul’s Portrayal of Jesus in the Epistles

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Paul was called to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles after his conversion on the road to Damascus (Acts 9). Before this he was a hater and killer of Christians. In Acts 22:20–21 he wrote “And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting […]

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What Does Judgment Starts At The House Of God Mean?

by Jack Wellman
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What does Peter mean by saying that judgment starts in the house of God? Judgment of All The Bible says that all of us will be judged by God but the critical difference in this judgment is whether God’s brought a person to repentance and faith or if they’ve rejected Jesus Christ; either way, both […]

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A Foundation for Biblical Giving

by Guest
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Just as it’s common to ask, “How much must I give?”, it’s common to think that biblical giving is, ultimately, about the amount we give. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The amount is absolutely not the issue. Biblical giving revolves around the way we absorb the gospel. It’s also true, however, that if […]

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50 Key KJV Verses and Passages About Moses

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Moses, known most for his leadership, rescuing the Hebrews from the bondage of the Egyptians, is credited with writing the first five books of the Bible. These books, also known as the Pentateuch, include Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. His life and history might be summed up into the following fifty key KJV Bible […]

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How Do You Know Your Being Called As A Missionary?

by Jack Wellman
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Some people might think they’re being called by God as a missionary, so how can they know for sure? On Mission Now If you believe that God might be calling you as a missionary, let me ask you a question. Have you been on mission for Christ where you live, where you work, and wherever […]

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What Is The Book Of Enoch? Does It Belong In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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Suddenly, there’s a lot of attention about the Book of Enoch. Does it belong in the Bible? Is it genuine? The Book of Enoch Most people say that the Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish book that was supposedly written by Enoch who was the great-great grandfather of Noah, but that brings up a […]

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Why Isn’t Discipleship Taught In Many Churches?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus told His own disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, so why don’t you find much on discipleship taught in churches today? The Great Commission For a long time in my walk with Christ, I was living out the “great omission,” which I jokingly call it, but it’s no joke to ignore […]

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Who Are The Principal Patriarchs in the Bible?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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The Bible speaks of many Godly men who have gone down in history as some of the greatest leaders, judges and kings of all time. We even see many poets, prophets and other prominent men. But when we are speaking of the principal patriarchs in the Bible we are talking about just five men. Take […]

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What Are Modern Day Idols Christians Can Worship?

by Jack Wellman
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Do Christians really still have idols in their life? If so, what are they? Idolatry An idol is anything that gets between us and God, and it is whatever we worship more than God or instead of God. It could be money, family, shopping, sports, fame, education, or just fill in the blank, but whatever […]

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