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Excellent Examples of How God Leads His People

by Pamela Rose Williams
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God’s didn’t just put us here on earth to fend for ourselves. No, He also gave us His word to show us not only that we have a Supreme Leader, but that when we look, He shows us how He leads. When we understand that God gives us all that we need to follow Him, […]

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Why Are There 12 Gates In The New Temple?

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible speaks about the New Jerusalem having 12 gates, so why 12 gates? Does this relate to the old city of Jerusalem that originally had 12 gates? A New Heaven and Earth Looking at this present world, it’s easy to see that we need a new heaven and a new earth, and that’s exactly […]

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What Is The Baptism Of Fire?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the “baptism of fire” that John the Baptist spoke about? Is this something believer’s must experience? John the Baptist John the Baptist’s ministry was to take place just before Jesus began His earthly ministry. John was the voice crying out in the wilderness to prepare the way for the Lord, Jesus Christ. The […]

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What Is The Outer Darkness Jesus Spoke About?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus spoke about the “outer darkness,” so what is the outer darkness? Is that hell or only a temporary state? Living in Darkness Do you remember the movie called, The Matrix? It was a world where humans only believed that they were living in the real world, when in reality, their bodies were being used […]

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Is Your Relationship with the Lord Developing or Deteriorating?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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As believers we have a choice to walk in the Spirit or not. As we walk in the Spirit we will not only see progress in our earthly relationships, but our relationship with the Lord grows and develops – just like a garden. On the contrary, when we choose to walk in the flesh we […]

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What’s The Significance Of The Jewish Wailing Wall Or Western Wall?

by Jack Wellman
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Maybe you’ve seen Jewish men praying at a wall in Jerusalem, so why do they pray at what is called the “wailing wall?” The Wailing Wall Anyone familiar with modern day Israel has probably seen Jewish men dressed in black, praying at a large wall. It’s called the Western Wall, but also called the Wailing […]

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The Conscience: The Good and The Guilty

by Pamela Rose Williams
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When you look up the definition of conscience, one of the definitions you see is “the complex of ethical and moral principles that controls or inhibits the actions or thoughts of an individual”. [1] So then, it only makes sense that the Bible would have something to say about this as well. Here is what […]

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Why You Cannot Hide Your Sin

by Pamela Rose Williams
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No matter who you are or what your position in life, you are a sinner. Thankfully, we can be a sinner saved by grace. The simple fact of the matter is that we sin because we are a sinners. Even when you try to hide it! I say, “try to hide it” because you cannot […]

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Can Christians Still Commit Idolatry Today?

by Jack Wellman
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We tend to think of idolatry as something they did in Old Testament times, but can believers today still commit idolatry? Old Testament Idolatry When God gave Israel the Ten Commandments, they began with the command to worship no other gods, including those which are simply carved or molten images. God commands, “You shall not […]

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What Is Sensationalism? Was Jesus A Sensationalist?

by Jack Wellman
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What is sensationalism? Is it something we should be concerned about as Christians? Was Jesus a sensationalist as some say? Sensationalism Typically, sensationalism is the act by television or newspaper journalists presenting sensational events or occurrences, sometimes as they happen. If it’s “sensational,” then they reason it would make good news. It could be live […]

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