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What Is The Sin That Leads Unto Death?

by Jack Wellman
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The Apostle John talks about the sin that leads unto death, so what is it and can we commit it? The Wages of Sin Before we answer “What is the sin that leads unto death” (1 John 5:16), we should recognize that all sin leads to death. So, what is sin? The Apostle John says […]

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A Bible Study On The Prayer Of 3 John 1:2

by Guest
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What does the Apostle John’s prayer of 3 John 1:2 mean, exactly? Simple Phrases There is a very simple phrase that we often read in many places, like in letters or messages from our friends, well wishes on greeting cards, and on posters or wall frames. We see and say it so often that we […]

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What Is A Godly Woman According To The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people are married to “godly women,” but what exactly is a godly woman according to Scripture? Being Godly No one can be godly until they’ve received the Holy Spirit and been regenerated. There is no way the flesh can produce fruits of the Spirit. They only produce fleshly fruits, but even after conversion, any […]

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Christian Comfort Zones We Must Avoid

by Guest
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Most Christians can find their comfort zone, but when they get too comfortable, something may be wrong. Complacency Does being a Christian mean having zero bad habits and imperfections? Christian faith in its true form can feel much like a comforting blanket offering warmth and security. It is strength, it is resilience, and it is […]

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Raising Teens in a Troubled World

by Jack Wellman
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How can you raise teens in a troubled, evil world? The Bible shows us how. Family as a Resource Many people believe that raising teens is any much harder today than ever. If not, it sure seems so. Today, teens go through temptations worse than you and I had so what are parents to do […]

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How Satan Attacks The Church

by Jack Wellman
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How does Satan attack the church Jesus built? Satan is a deceiver and has many ways. He even has his own churches and ministers. Gossip/Division I put gossip and division as one in the same because they both accomplish the same thing; they can destroy a church. One big church in Texas once divided over […]

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The Hit Movie Overcomer Is Now Available on DVD

by Josh Wiley

Overcomer was one of the surprise movies of 2019. Now that Christmas is upon us, use your break to buy the DVD and watch this awesome movie with your family. The movie has so many redeeming values for you and your family to learn from. Our team was gifted a “Swag Box” from the Kendrick […]

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Bible Verses For Worship Leaders

by Jack Wellman
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Worship leaders play an important part in services, so to help them better serve the Lord and the church, here are some great Bible verses for worship leaders to study, contemplate, and meditate on. A Joyful Noise Not everyone has the voice for singing, but that doesn’t matter when it comes to singing songs to […]

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What Does It Mean The Love Of Many Will Grow Cold?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus prophesied that the love of many will grow cold in the end times. What does this mean and what does it look like? The End Times The Apostle Paul, in writing his very last letter, warned Timothy “that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of […]

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Does The Bible Teach We Should Pray For The Dead?

by Jack Wellman
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Does Scripture teach us that we should pray for the dead? Is there any value to it? Pray Always One of the first things I noticed that the Bible teaches about prayer is to pray as often as you can. The Apostle Paul says, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17), but that doesn’t mean we […]

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