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What are the Main Differences between Calvinism and Arminianism?

by Robert Driskell
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Calvinism and Arminianism are two systems of looking at, and interpreting, the biblical record concerning salvation.  Calvinism is named after the teachings of theologian John Calvin (1509-1564) and Arminianism after the teachings of theologian Jacobus (James) Arminius (1559-1609).  Both base their beliefs on the Bible, but end up with different views on several issues. Of […]

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God Particle Found: What is the Significance?

by Jack Wellman
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Physicists have discovered what has been called the “God Particle.”  It is essential, they say, to discovering the universe itself.  It is said to be the cornerstone of our understanding of space, time, and matter.  What is this God Particle? Higgs Boson It has taken dozens of years and billions of dollars to discover what […]

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20 Genesis Bible Quiz Questions: Test Your Knowledge

by David Peach
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Bible quizzes are fun activities for Sunday School classes, family gatherings or friendly competition at a church event. Here are 20 questions from the book of Genesis that will test your knowledge. Some are very simple while others are more obscure.  ( The Answers will follow the Questions so Scroll down slowly to not cheat!) […]

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Are Christians Republicans or Democrats? A Biblical Look at Politics

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible address whether a Christian should be involved with politics?  Would God rather us be Republicans or Democrats?  What is the biblical perspective on the parties and how we should vote? God is a Republican I have actually seen a bumper sticker that said “God is a Republican.”  My thought was, was He […]

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10 Amazing Songs About Jesus

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Of all the Christian songs available today, I think perhaps there are more with the name of Jesus in them than any other. Perhaps it is because when you love someone it is easy to have a song in your heart about them. Here are just 10 amazing songs about Jesus, maybe one of your […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Slavery? Does it Condone It?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible teach against slavery?  Does the Old Testament or New Testament condone slavery?  What does the Bible say about slavery? Abolition of Slavery Started With Christianity Long before the end of the Civil War in the United States, William Wilberforce began the effort to abolish slavery in the British Empire.  In 1788 Wilberforce […]

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Famous Bible Verses: 27 Well Known Scriptures

by Daryl Evans
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I have been looking forward to writing this article for some time.  Famous Bible verses seemed like an easy task.  I began by starting with verses that are favorites to me.  I soon began to realize that my list would be way too long.  I compiled my list and then had to try to eliminate […]

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Noah’s Ark Bible Story Summary

by David Peach
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Probably one of the most beloved stories in our memories from our childhood is the story of Noah’s Ark. It is a popular story for children because it is simple, understandable and has a great message. By itself it is a great story. It becomes even more exciting and meaningful when seen as a picture […]

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What is Sanctification? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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What is sanctification? How is it possible to become sanctified?  What does this mean? What is Sanctification? The definition, which fits nicely with what the Bible teaches, is that it means to be set apart for holy use.  It also means to make holy or to purify.  This is exactly the goal of every believer in […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Death? Five Important Facts

by Robert Driskell
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The subject of death is very often an unpleasant topic.  Most people would just as soon never have to think about it.  Nevertheless, things like funerals and sicknesses tend to force one to give serious thought to the issue.  There are many different ideas on just what death is.  In recent years, there have been […]

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