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Why The World is Hurtling Toward a Great Tribulation

by Jack Wellman
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Everywhere you read, it seems there’s bad news, and it’s only going to get worse and worse up until Jesus’ returns. The Bad News Everywhere you read, it seems there’s bad news, and it’s only going to get worse and worse up until Jesus’ returns. There are not only rumors of wars, but actual wars […]

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What David and Jonathan’s Relationship Teach Us About the Covenant of Friendship

by Guest
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What does David and Jonathan’s friendship teach us about what it means to be a true friend? Friends What does David and Jonathan’s friendship teach us about what it means to be a true friend? Deep within the pages of scripture, we can find many stories of friendship. From the unique relationship between Abraham and […]

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The Difference Between the Spirit’s Conviction and Satan’s Condemnation

by Jack Wellman
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So many people live with unnecessary guilt and shame, so what’s the difference between the Holy Spirit’s convicting us of sin and the Devil’s condemnation of us. The Accuser So many people live with unnecessary guilt and shame, so what’s the difference between the Holy Spirit’s convicting us of sin and the Devil’s condemnation of […]

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What is a Mentor? How Do You Mentor Someone?

by Jack Wellman
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What is a mentor? What does a mentor do or how do you mentor someone or allow someone to mentor you? What is Mentoring? Mentorship is the influence, guidance, or direction given by a mentor. A mentor is someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person. A […]

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Bible Verses That Prove Jesus is God

by Jack Wellman
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There is no doubt that Jesus is God and to remove all doubt, let’s examine these Bible verses that prove Jesus is God. God With Us There is no doubt that Jesus is God and it’s so easy to remove all doubt by examining dozens of Bible verses that definitely prove Jesus is God. To […]

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Turning the Hearts of the Fathers to Their Children -Malachi 4:6

by Jack Wellman
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What did Malachi mean when he wrote about turning the hearts of the fathers to their children? What does Malachi 4:6 mean for fathers today? A Father’s Impact What did Malachi mean when he wrote about turning the hearts of the fathers to their children? What does Malachi 4:6 mean for fathers today? Fathers have […]

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Why Does God Allow Hardships?

by Guest
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Why does God allow suffering and hardships in our life? There is more than one reason. Why Suffering? Why does God allow suffering and hardships in our life? There is more than one reason. It can be challenging for our finite minds to reconcile two seemingly opposite truths; suffering and God’s ‘good’ plans. We grapple […]

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Is the Church Growing Lukewarm Today Like Laodicea?

by Jack Wellman
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Is the church growing lukewarm today? What does it mean to be lukewarm, as a believer and as a church? Lukewarm Is the church growing lukewarm today? What does it mean to be lukewarm, as a believer and as a church? I remember being a new believer. I was so eager to share the good […]

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5 Ways for Christians to Fight Bad Habits

by Guest
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Believers can face roadblocks in their spiritual growth but the Word of God can help us face these bad habits and overcome them. Roadblocks For believers, bad habits become a roadblock for their spiritual growth. Some Christians will blame others, their circumstances, parents or teachers for developing bad habits. However, bad habits don’t have to […]

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Does God Use Evil Governments as Judgements Against Nations?

by Jack Wellman
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Does God use evil governments that rule in nations as a form of His judgment against them? God’s Rod of Correction Does God use evil governments that rule in nations as a form of His judgment against them? If you look at ancient Israel, we must say, “Yes.” God does use evil nations to judge […]

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