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Can America Rightly Be Called A Christian Nation?

by Robert Driskell
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Is America now a Christian nation?  Some think it is, some want it to be, some say it never was and are doing their best to see that it never becomes one.  Deciding whether to label America a ‘Christian nation’ depends a lot on the definition of the term ‘Christian Nation”.  Much has been written […]

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Being Intentional In Our Christian Walk: 7 Ways To Live With Purpose

by Robert Driskell
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Too many people think that Christianity is a passive faith.  They believe the duty of a believer ends when one recites a prayer of commitment or fills out a card at a revival meeting.  Those who think this way will often simply resume the same lifestyle they had been living before being ‘saved’, except now […]

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Gideon Bible Story Summary With Lesson

by David Peach
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Gideon was the fifth judge over Israel in the book of Judges. He is introduced in chapter 6 of the book while he was collecting wheat and hiding it from the enemy. An angel came to him and asked him to take on the task of overthrowing the Midianites. The story of Gideon is full […]

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7 Tips for the Christian Mother

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Being a mother is one of the most important jobs that God gives to any woman. I have been a mom for over thirty years and now have the joy of seeing my children raise their own children. Some of my children were born before I came to know Jesus as my personal Savior and […]

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How to Preach Expository Sermons

by Jack Wellman
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What is expository preaching?  How does one do it?  Is it the best method of preaching a sermon?  Why do pastors use expository preaching while others do not? Expository Preaching – What it is Not You will have no trouble finding sermons on topics or themes.  The preacher will focus on one subject and use […]

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Bible Study on Joy: 7 Things You Need To Know

by Robert Driskell
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The word ‘joy’ is defined by Merriam-Webster as, “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires…the expression or exhibition of such emotion…a state of happiness” .  Let us look at the biblical understanding of ‘joy’. Worldly Joy Is Fickle And Temporary The joy that the […]

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What Is The Role of a Christian Grandfather or Grandmother? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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What part do grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren?  Can they contribute significantly to the lives of their grandchildren?  If so, in what biblical way can they make a difference? What Grandparents Should Not Do Parents of course have the largest role and influence on their children but grandparents also have a huge […]

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Should Christians Vote? Should They Donate Money To Politicians?

by Robert Driskell
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Every time an election comes around, many Christians struggle with whether they should be involved in the political process or not.  Are believers supposed to be involved in the political/social aspects of life, or are we to adopt more of a ‘hands-off-and-pray’ attitude?  These questions get even more convoluted if there is no clear choice […]

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8 Famous Bible Fathers

by David Peach
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God wants men today to be godly fathers and teach their children about Him. We ought to rise to the challenge as many fathers in the Bible did to train our children in the knowledge of God. We are given great examples in the Bible of men who did just that. There are also many […]

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How to Plant a Church? 6 Helpful Steps

by Jack Wellman
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What steps are involved in planting a church?  Why is there a need to plant a church in the first place?  What exactly is involved in planting a church? Step One- Prayer Bask this idea in prayer.  Why do you want to plant a church?  What is the reason for it?  Are churches in your […]

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