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The Role of the Husband in a Christian Marriage

by Robert Driskell
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Being a follower of Jesus Christ changes a person.  It changes the believer’s priorities and focus, it changes the way in which the believer relates to others, it changes everything about how the believer lives.  Therefore, the believing husband should have distinct characteristics evident in his marriage, characteristics that come from his relationship with Jesus.  I certainly do […]

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10 Christian Sayings To Close A Letter Or Email

by David Peach
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I love reading old letters and seeing how people of years gone by opened and closed their letters. They usually introduced the letter with gentleness and closed it either very businesslike or very personally. It seemed like there was no casualness in the way they wrote; everything was intentional. Here are some suggestions for how […]

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22 Top Rick Warren Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I once lived in Lake Forest, California and Saddleback Church, where Rick Warren pastored, was practically in my back yard. That church was very active in the community and today it has grown to include several campuses and over 20,000 members. Pastor Warren’s evangelical heart has inspired these folks to evangelize their community and continually […]

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How Is Satan Disguised As An Angel Of Light?

by Jack Wellman
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How is it possible that Satan can appear as an “angel of light?”  What do his disguises look like and how can we know we are seeing or hearing from Satan and not a true preacher of the gospel? Satan’s Original Name Satan is not his original name. It is Lucifer and in the Hebrew […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Hospitality? A Christian Study

by Derek Hill
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Hospitality is a term that seems to be fading away in today’s culture.  People are becoming much more reliant on themselves.  Unfortunately, this is creating a mindset of “I don’t want someone to have to do something nice for me.”  I remember growing up and going to visit my grandma.  I realize now that I […]

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Is The Old Testament Law Still Important Today?

by Robert Driskell
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God gave the people of Israel His written law in the form of the Ten Commandments.  He also spoke to these Israelites in order that He might teach, guide, and empower them to live as He wanted them to live.  However, what about those who lived before the Ten Commandments were given?  Did they have to live by God’s standards?  Was […]

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Bible Verses About Hard Work: 18 Great Scriptures

by Daryl Evans
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What does the Bible have to say about work?  Some may be surprised to find out that there are many thoughts about work, lack of work, and serving.  The topic comes right to the forefront in the very beginning when in Genesis 1, after God created man He says, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill […]

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How To Live A Life Of Contentment: 7 Christian Tips

by David Peach
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One of the things that convicts me every time I visit pastors in another country is how much they love to study God’s Word and share what they learn with others. These are usually men who have nothing materially other than the basic necessities and a copy of the Bible. As I write this I […]

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Bible History: What Happened To Nations That Turned From God?

by Robert Driskell
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God is very clear in His Word that He deals with people, individually or as groups (cities, nations, etc.) according to how they honor, or refuse to honor, Him. The biblical record tells us that God pronounced judgment on quite a few cities and nations. We are taught about God’s judgment in the first book of […]

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24 Pro-Life Bible Verses

by Daryl Evans
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Human life is sacred to God. He alone is the creator of all things including human life. Scripture even tells us that we are created in the image of God. What an awesome thought.  But yet, in the world of today, man seems to feel that although we aren’t the creator of life, we can choose to […]

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