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Bible Verses For Kids: 20 Scriptures To Learn

by Daryl Evans
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I have had the privilege to serve the Lord as a Pastor for a number of years and I love ministering to children as well as adults.  Many times a young couple that may not attend church at all or if they attend, they do so sporadically will often become heavily involved in the church […]

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Why I Trust the Bible

by Robert Driskell
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Most Christians take that Bible to be the authoritative Word of God.  We believe that it contains the very words of God, written down by men who were guided by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21).  There are many reasons to accept the Bible as God’s Word, such as the evidence of archaeology, which confirms the accuracy of […]

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How to Create a Prayer Journal

by Jack Wellman
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How can you create your own personal prayer journal?  What are the advantages of doing so?  The answers might surprise you and you will be blessed when you create your own personal prayer journal. Writing Down Prayer Requests Here is how you can begin your own, personal prayer journal.  I highly recommend creating one because […]

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Sodom & Gomorrah: Bible Story with Lesson

by Robert Driskell
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Sodom and Gomorrah…the names are virtually synonymous with evil, sin, and judgment.  How did these cities gain this dubious notoriety?  Let us look into the Old Testament record and learn about these most sinful of peoples.  Historical background and story The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were first mentioned in Genesis 10:19.  Abram, and his nephew Lot, had been traveling together, but their group had […]

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21 Empowering Bible Verses To Read Today

by Daryl Evans
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I have been a follower of Jesus for as long as I can remember.  One of my earliest memories in life was asking my mother how I could go to heaven (at age 5) like my other brothers and sister.  I have always had a Bible available to me and my parents made sure I […]

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Should the Sabbath Be on Saturday or Sunday?

by Jack Wellman
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Are Christians today supposed to keep the Saturday Sabbath or is Sunday now the Lord’s Day?  Are we breaking the Law by not keeping a Saturday Sabbath or is this legalism? Sabbath Command Many Christians from different denominations argue over which day to observe as the Sabbath.  Ancient Israel and even a few Orthodox Jews […]

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5 Biblical Consequences of Sin

by Derek Hill
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The word for sin in the Greek language is “amartia” (ha-mar-tia).  It means “to miss the mark.” Every time we sin we do miss the mark. God has set high standards for us all because He is just and He is deserving of our obedience.  It is because we have all missed the mark that […]

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The Lord’s Prayer Bible Verses and Study

by Robert Driskell
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The Lord’s Prayer may be the most familiar prayer that exists.  It is found in the Bible, in Matthew and in Luke, and came from the very mouth of Jesus Christ.  This prayer is actually instructional; it is a model prayer that is meant to teach us the correct focus and emphasis of prayer.  Although […]

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Christian Advice for Blended Families: 7 Helpful Tips

by David Peach
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Whether you have a blended family because of death or divorce, there is always a challenge to bring two families together. Here are some tips for families that desire to honor God and pull two families closer together. Foundation Start laying a good foundation before the marriage. “Except the Lord build the house they labor […]

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Suicidal Thoughts: 7 Biblical Tips

by Jack Wellman
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What are signs that someone may commit suicide?  What are strong indicators that they may be serious?  What tips may we find from the Bible that can help people deal with suicidal thoughts? Signs of Suicide You would be surprised at the number of celebrities that have committed suicide or have contemplated it at least […]

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