Questions? Need Answers?

How Can I Stop Gossiping? Answers From the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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It’s so easy for us to gossip and listen to gossip, but since we know it’s very destructive, how can we stop the gossip? What is Gossip? It’s so easy for us to gossip and listen to gossip, but since we know it’s very destructive, how can we stop the gossip? Gossip has been defined […]

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How to Keep Christ as the Focus of Your Christmas

by Jack Wellman
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Here are simple reminders of how to keep Christ as the focus of your Christmas this year. Why in the Flesh? Here are simple reminders of how to keep Christ as the focus in your Christmas this year. To begin with, let’s ask this question: Why did Jesus have to come and be born in […]

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How Can I Stop Lying? Answers From the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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One of the worst sins we commit is lying and some really struggle with this, so how can Christians learn to stop lying? All Men Are Liars One of the worst sins we commit is lying and some really struggle with this, so how can Christians learn to stop lying? The good news is there […]

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4 Technology Mistakes Your Church Might Be Making

by Jack Wellman
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Churches can reach more people today with the gospel using technology, but what 4 technology mistakes might your church be making. Sound Bites Churches can reach more people today with the gospel using technology, but what 4 technology mistakes might your church be making? One of those mistakes churches may make is not utilizing technology. […]

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How Can I Learn to Stop Worrying? Answers From the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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It’s so easy to worry about things, but Christians should not worry so much, so how can we learn to stop worrying? Waste in Worry It’s so easy to worry about things, but Christians should not worry so much, so how can we learn to stop worrying? As it turns out, most of what we […]

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Why Today is the Only Day of Salvation?

by Jack Wellman
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Satan would love us to wait before we trust in Christ, but today is the only day of salvation because tomorrow may never come. The Great Chicago Fire Satan would love to have us wait before we trust in Christ, but the problem with that is, today is the only day of salvation. Tomorrow may […]

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How Can I Stop Swearing? Answers From the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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It’s so easy for us to lose our temper and use words we normally don’t use, so how can we stop swearing and especially using God’s name in vain? A Learned Language It’s so easy for us to lose our temper and use words we normally don’t use, so how can we stop swearing and […]

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Why False Prophets Are On the Increase Today

by Jack Wellman
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Why are false prophets on the increase? What’s behind this rise of false teachers? Jesus’ Warning Why are false prophets on the increase? What’s behind this rise of false teachers? To start with, Jesus Himself said that in the last days “many false prophets will arise and lead many astray” (Matt 24:11). He said many…not […]

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What Are the Marks of a Godly Woman?

by Jack Wellman
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What are the marks of a godly woman? What attributes show her heart is devoted to the Lord? Cares for Others What are the marks of a godly woman? What attributes show her heart is devoted to the Lord? Many people point to Proverbs 31 and mention a “Proverbs 31 Woman” and for good reason. […]

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How Can I Learn to Stop Sinning? Answers From the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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Everyone except Jesus has sinned, and Christians fight to avoid sin, so how can we learn to stop sinning? Overcoming Sin Everyone except Jesus has sinned, and Christians fight to avoid sin, so how can we learn to stop sinning? None of us are “better” in resisting sin because all of us are human (Rom […]

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