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How Can I Stop Coveting Other People and Their Possessions?

by Jack Wellman
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Coveting is breaking the Tenth Commandment, so how can we stop coveting people and their possessions? Coveting vs Contentment Coveting is breaking the Tenth Commandment, so how can we stop coveting people and their possessions? You’ve heard people are either a glass half empty or glass half full person, but I am just thankful I’ve […]

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Is the Increase in Mass Shootings And Riots a Sign of the End Times?

by Jack Wellman
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M ass shootings are on the increase and violence is growing ever worse, so why the sudden increase in all the mass shootings? Thief in the Night Mass shootings are on the increase and violence is growing ever worse, so why the sudden increase in all the mass shootings? If you asked the average person […]

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What Do Believers Do When Trouble Comes?

by Jack Wellman
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Troubles come into everyone’s life; it’s just a matter of time, so what do believers do when trouble comes into their lives? Like Sparks Fly Upward Troubles come into everyone’s life; it’s just a matter of time, so what do believers do when trouble comes into their lives? Job rightly understood that a “man is […]

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What is the Biblical Definition of Love?

by Jack Wellman
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How does God define love in the Scriptures? What is genuine, godly love? Love is a Verb How does God define love in the Scriptures? What is genuine, godly love? To start with, love is a verb. It is not so much a dozen roses or a Valentine’s Day card or saying, “I love you,” […]

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Are You a Disciple of Christ? Here’s How to Know

by Jack Wellman
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Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ? How can you be sure? Here’s how you can know you are truly Jesus’ disciple? What is a Disciple? Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ? How can you be sure? Here’s how you can know you are truly Jesus’ disciple? A disciple is someone called to live […]

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Living a Life of Purpose and Meaning: Insights From the Bible

by Guest
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What is your purpose in life? What meaning is there that we can find in the Bible? Biblical Wisdom What is your purpose in life? What meaning is there that we can find in the Bible? Let’s be real; life can sometimes be a pain but don’t worry. The Bible’s got your back! Its teachings […]

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How Your Trials And Troubles Are Good For You

by Jack Wellman
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We naturally want to avoid trials and troubles, but these are allowed by God and are actually good for us. Good to be Afflicted? We naturally want to avoid trials and troubles, but these are allowed by God and are actually good for us. Afflictions and troubles are bad, right? Well, not really. Quite the […]

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A Bible Study and Commentary on Romans Chapter Two

by Jack Wellman
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Here is a Bible study with commentary on the Book of Romans chapter two. Controversy The Book of Romans chapter one has brought about much controversy over the centuries, from the pulpits to the streets, but to put it this way; the lost cannot be saved until they know they are lost, and the Book […]

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Christ Has a Unique Kingdom Life for Each Believer

by Guest
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Paul states in Ephesians that each believer is God’s workmanship (masterpiece). What is the difference between living as His masterpiece and simply experiencing the average Christian life? God’s Masterpiece Paul states in Ephesians that each believer is God’s workmanship (masterpiece). What is the difference between living as His masterpiece and simply experiencing the average Christian […]

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How Can I Stop Swearing or Cursing?

by Jack Wellman
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We are told to speak wholesome words to encourage one another, but also told not to use language not befitting a disciple of Christ. The Tongue We are told to speak wholesome words to encourage one another, and to speak words befitting a disciple of Christ, so how can believers guard their tongue and ensure […]

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