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Words of Kindness: 20 Christian Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams
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A soft answer, or word of kindness is music to the ears. Especially when you expect someone to respond in an unkind way. Sometimes your words of kindness is all someone needs to hear when they are having a bad day. A few, simple, kind words can completely change the attitude and course of the […]

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25 Great Bible Verses For High School Students To Study

by Derek Hill
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The high school years are some of the most difficult and molding times in a person’s life. These kids may never hear the gospel again after they head off to college. They may fall into temptation and learn to love all of the fleshly pleasures of this earth. Satan is very good at deception and […]

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5 Biblical Steps For Restoring Broken Relationships

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I have a friend who says that relationships are like gardens, they must be cultivated. She also said that the most difficult thing to restore is a broken relationship. Though it is difficult to do, broken relationships can be restored and as with other issues of life, the Bible has guidance for this. Here are […]

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How Did Christianity Spread So Fast With the Early Church?

by Jack Wellman
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How come the early church spread so fast?  What made Christianity take off like wildfire? The Birth of the Church Pentecost essentially marks the birth of the church that Jesus Christ built.  Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church (Matt 16:18) meaning that not even death itself or the […]

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How to Get Closer to God

by Crystal McDowell
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One of the most pressing desires of believers is to grow closer to God. For many of us the pathway to God is like a wave going up and down. Sometimes we’re riding the top of the wave and enjoying a closeness like never before. Yet there are other times when it seems like we’re […]

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Who Were The Major Prophets? A List and Christian Study

by Jack Wellman
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Who are considered the Major Prophets?  Why are they labeled “Major?”  Are they more important than the Minor Prophets? Why Are They Called Major Prophets? The Major Prophets are not called “major” because they are more important than the Minor Prophets like Jonah or Micah.  It is because of their size that they are called […]

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21 Uplifting R.A. Torrey Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Reuben Archer Torrey (R.A. Torrey) lived from 1856 – 1928. He was known as an American evangelist, pastor, educator and writer. His book entitled “The Power of Prayer” is one of those handbooks that every Christian should have on their bookshelf. He worked closely with D.L. Moody in what is now known as the Moody […]

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Is Masturbation A Sin? A Biblical Study

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible is silent on whether or not masturbation is sin.  What verses can we turn to in trying to determine if this is sin or not? Sexual Immorality Starts in the Mind James gives us insight into how sin starts. Sin begins with temptation as we read in 1:13-15 “Let no one say when […]

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Keeping a Prayer Journal: 7 Tips To Help Get Started

by Crystal McDowell
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“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds” (Psalm 77:11-12).  When Joshua and the Israelites came out from wandering the desert, God caused the Jordan River to part so they could pass over. […]

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America Without God

by Robert Driskell
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The news media reminds us daily of the type of world in which we live: unsettling stories of unemployment; the looming threat of an unbalanced national budget; increasing instances of justice run amok in our courts; wars in all parts of the world; cases of people treating people, including children, in gruesome ways.  Here in […]

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