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What Does Blasphemy Mean When Used In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible speaks of blasphemy.  What does it mean to blasphemy?  Can we blasphemy God, the Holy Spirit, or Jesus? What Blasphemy Means Blasphemy means to take the Lord God’s name in vain and use it in a worthless manner or use it as a cuss or curse word. This is serious business because God […]

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18 Christian Quotes About Adoption

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Adoption is something that is near and dear to every believer’s heart. Why? Because were it not for adoption we would be without a Heavenly Father and a “forever home”. We have been adopted into His family and made joint heirs by faith in Jesus. So when we look at the idea of adoption – […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Material Possessions?

by Derek Hill
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Is owning material things bad?  If you are very wealthy, are you in sin?  Is there a line drawn in the sand about owning material possessions?  Well, the Bible does talk about money and material things quite a bit and doesn’t leave anything for debate.  Can you own lots of material possessions and be without […]

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7 Dangerous Places in the World to be a Christian

by Crystal McDowell
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 “Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’  If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also” (John 15:20). It’s hard to understand the magnitude of suffering that happens every day because believers refuse to deny their faith in Jesus Christ. The persecution of believers happens in the home, school, […]

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Are There Rewards In Heaven Based on How We Live on Earth?

by Robert Driskell
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There are two schools of thought when it comes to whether or not the believer will receive rewards in heaven based on what he or she did here on earth.  One view holds that all believers will enjoy the same, or similar, existence in heaven; there will be no ranking or any other means of […]

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Bible Character Study on Amos

by David Peach
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Amos is one of the Bible’s minor prophets. These prophets are known by this name because the length of their prophecy is shorter than that of the major prophets. It should be noted however that there is equal importance given to both the major and minor prophets. Let’s look at what we know about Amos […]

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What Does Selah Mean? A Bible Study

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Selah is one of those curious terms that is found in the Bible. It is a term that we researched when we founded Selah Mountain Ministries in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I would like to share with you what we found and encourage you to open your Bible as I answer the question: What does Selah […]

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5 Red Flags In A Christian Dating Relationship

by Daryl Evans
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This past year I celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary with my lovely wife.  It is amazing how time goes by and when I was given this article title to write, I was instantly intrigued.  This is for at least two reasons.  First, I think it is fun to look back and remember what it was […]

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Bible Study on Demons: Names, Verses, Capabilities and More

by Jack Wellman
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Do demons have names?  If so, what do their names mean and what are they capable of? Can the Devil or demons possess believers or non-believers? Demons Demons are actually fallen angels who had free will and chose to follow Satan in rebelling against God’s ruler ship.  They followed the Devil’s lead and they followed […]

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20 Memorable Ronald Reagan Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Tampico, Illinois is the birthplace of the 40th president of the United States. At age 69 Ronald Wilson Reagan was the oldest person ever to be elected to the office of president. He was most commonly called Ronald with nicknames of “The Gipper”, “The Great Communicator”, “Dutch” and his wife Nancy affectionately called him “Ronny”. […]

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