by Jack Wellman
Here is a look at one of the greatest Christian’s in history, Saint Augustine. Augustine of Hippo Saint Augustine or Augustine of Hippo (354-430), was nothing like a saint when he was young, probably like most of us, but this man is regarded as perhaps the greatest thinker, philosopher and theologian in the first one […]
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by Jack Wellman
Gluttony is a sin mentioned in the Bible, so what is gluttony? Does it relate only to food and drink? What is Gluttony? I don’t believe we have a good idea of what the word gluttony means as far as the world is concerned. We can envision a huge 300 pound man gorging himself on […]
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Ephesians 2:8-9 Commentary
by Dr. Michael L. WilliamsWhen you look at two very popular verses in the Bible through the lens of history, understanding their meaning has had great impact on modern Christianity. The verses, Ephesian 2:8-9, are a simple, but profound statement about the gift of God that He has given to humanity. However, there are some that suggest that what […]