This article will be more devotional than educational. Miracles are when God interrupts the normal processes of our universe and does something so out of the ordinary that we cannot help but glorify Him and praise Him. I would like to take the opportunity, in this article, to comment on some of my favorite of God’s miracles [1], and once again give Him the glory.
Creation (Genesis 1-2)
Think about it: there was nothing, then God spoke, and the universe came into existence. I cannot begin to imagine what that would have looked like. What I do know, from the Bible, is that God created the universe with a plan in His mind. He invites us to be a part of His plan with Him, and He gives us the choice to follow Him and enjoy His presence forever or to reject His offer of salvation and be consigned to an eternity of misery apart from Him.
The worldwide flood (Genesis 7-8)
What has always amazed me about the flood account, besides the sheer power involved in making it happen, was that God spared anyone at all. The Bible tells us that the world was wicked and, for the most part, unsalvageable. God could have destroyed it all and started over, or not started over. Nevertheless, he saved eight people to bless and continue the human race. To me, this is an incredible example of His mercy, grace, and power.
The ten plagues against Egypt (Exodus 7:20-12:30)
This miracle is a tragic reminder that God is also the one who judges humanity. The Egyptian Pharaoh [2] not only mistreated God’s people, but he also rejected God and His rule. God showed him, Egypt, and the world (through the record of the Bible) that, although He is merciful and longsuffering, He also judges sin and sinful people. God’s dealing with Egypt is a stark reminder of this fact.
Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-31)

God miraculously intervened by parting the waters of the sea, allowing the Israelites safe passage…
Israel was fleeing for their lives from the Pharaoh’s armies. The Red Sea stood between them and freedom; it appeared as if Israel would soon be wiped out or taken back into captivity by Egypt. However, God miraculously intervened by parting the waters of the sea, allowing the Israelites safe passage across to the other side, and then causing the armies of Egypt to be drowned as the waters returned to their original place. This is both a picture of God’s mercy and loving care, to Israel, and His judgment, on Egypt.
Fiery furnace (Daniel 3:8-30)
Daniel’s three friends would not bow to the Godless king; therefore, the king had them thrown into a furnace [4] as their punishment. When the king looked into the furnace, he saw what looked like four men inside, walking around unscathed by the immense heat…the Lord was with the three men, protecting and sustaining them in the midst of what was meant to be their execution. As believers, Jesus walks with us, sustaining, encouraging, and protecting us.
Jesus feeding the 4000 (Matthew 15:32; Mark 8:1) and 5000 (Matthew 14:15; Mark 6:30; Luke 9:10; John 6:1-14)
In these two instances, large crowds had been following Jesus, listening to His teaching for most of the day. This group was hungry, but they apparently still wanted to hear more of Jesus’ teaching. Jesus miraculously took a meager lunch of a few fish and a few loaves of bread and fed thousands of people. One of the many lessons we can learn from this is that Jesus can take what may look insufficient to us and turn it into the answer to our prayers. Many times we face things that are overwhelming when we try to face them on our own. Nevertheless, when we rely on Jesus, He sees us through anything we might ever have to face.
Raising Lazarus from the Dead (John 11:38-44)
Jesus’ friend, Lazarus, had died…four days before!! Jesus brought Lazarus back to life and told him to walk out of his tomb. Jesus demonstrates His power over death at the same time He exhibits His love for His friends. Followers of Jesus are much more than His friends; we have been forgiven of our sin, and have been made co-heirs with Jesus in His Kingdom (Romans 8:17). I’m not sure exactly what that means, but I know it means that Jesus cares for you and me as much as He cares for His friend Lazarus…and He will raise us up too.
Temple tax in fish’s mouth (Matthew 17:24-27)
While this episode may illustrate many things, the one I wish to focus on is that Jesus provides for our every need. In this case, Jesus miraculously provided money to pay for taxes. Since He is able, and willing, to supply the mundane requirements of life, how much more will He supply the needs of our hearts, heal the hurts, guide us, and give us strength when we are weak?
Jesus heals the servant’s severed ear (Luke 22:50-51)
This struck me as one of the tenderest moments in Jesus’ recorded life. Amidst all the turmoil of His being taken captive by those who would kill Him, Jesus took the time to heal the severed ear of one of the men who was there to do Him harm. This is a powerful lesson in forgiveness for us. If Jesus, whom we are to be like, not only forgave His enemy, but also healed him, should we not attempt to be more forgiving to those who would do us harm?
The Resurrection (Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20-21)
This is the greatest miracle of all time. Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross; then, three days later, He arose from the grave. He is Lord of all, Savior, He conquered death, and offers everyone salvation if they will simply live for Him. The Bible says that He, “…was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 1:4 ESV). There is an eternally important message in every miracle Jesus did.
Jesus’ did not perform miracles to simply show off. Every miracle He did, He did for a reason. The miracles Jesus did attest to Who He is, what He has done, and how we can be partakers of His grace. Only the willfully blind, the ones who choose not to see, could miss the message of Jesus’ miracles. “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:30-31 ESV).
Take a look at this article, also about miracles: Miracles of Jesus [5]
Resources – The Holy Bible, English Standard Version “Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”