How Technologies Like Faith Brush Can Make Your Church More Visible

by Jack Wellman · Print Print · Email Email

Churches are using technology more and more these days to reach the community and make the church more visible, like Faith Brush. Is this something your church should do?

Technology and Faith

Churches are using technology more and more these days to reach the community and make the church more visible, like Faith Brush. Is this something your church should do? To begin with, technology is not evil as many claim, even among Christians. If there is evil associated with technology, it is the evil in those who are using it for evil. That’s why that makes it sin, but technology in itself is not sinful but amoral, so technology is neither good nor evil. The computer you read this on is not evil, though it can be used for evil, but the computer itself is not evil, so what technology like Faith Brush can do is to give us platforms where we can become more visible in our communities in order to reach the lost for Christ.

Peddling the Gospel?

There are some church leaders who see the use of technology as peddling the gospel, therefore it is evil, but Jesus used His voice to reach the community and became known throughout Judea, but technology can simply be another voice that is crying out in the wilderness of sin in this world. When our church is closed, we have remote services for those who are at home and can’t make it to services but we also provide the Sunday message online for those who are shut-ins and cannot attend the church. In this case, using technology to share the message is not evil, but in fact, it’s a good use of technology. Jesus clearly made Himself visible during His earthly ministry, and if your church is proclaiming Christ, then you want to make the Lord more visible too in the hopes of reaching the lost. If we think using technology for the church is evil, then what about all the benefits in worship music, all the Christian websites that help believers in their daily walk with Christ, and the technology that allows people to find a good church home nearby on their electronic device, or to see what they do in children’s ministry, or what their hours are, and what their statement of beliefs are.

Faith Brush

Part of the way technology can help your church is what Faith Brush has done. Faith Brush allows you to instantly create images for social media that brand your Church and will engage your congregation, so there are advantages for both the Body of Christ and for those the church hopes to reach so that they can hear the gospel (or find a new church home). Your particular church’s templates can be updated in less than a minute with your church’s brand colors, fonts, and images. This makes it extremely easy to improve your social media interaction and outreach. The Great Commission is given to the church, and by using whatever means we can to reach the lost with the Word of God, the better (Matt 28:18-20). The Apostles literally (most of them) when into all the known world to share the gospel, and most were martyred, but today, we can reach around the globe instantly with the gospel using technology.

The Great Commission

Faith Brush has been helping churches reach people through their online presence, thereby sharing the gospel with as many people as possible. That’s why God has called each and every one of us; to be used by God to actively participate in the rescue of the perishing. Jude tells us to “have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh” (Jude 1:22-23). If technology can help even a tiny bit in this goal, then it would have been well worth it. How much worth is one human soul? Pastor Daryl Evans of the First Baptist Church of Fairbury (Illinois) says, “We love our new Church App that was created by Faith Brush. The App was easy to set up and gives us another way to engage our members.” Faith Brush can create a customized church app just for your church just as they did Pastor Daryl’s, and they can include your church logo, your church brand kit, and it comes with an instant mockup tool. Faith Brush has 100s more to choose from and is constantly growing to add more. Add to that a surplus of over 2 million photos that can be used, free of charge, and you should have no trouble finding just the write images for your church app.


Faith Brush creator, Melissa Womack, has a passion for helping churches reach people through their online presence, in sharing the gospel with as many people as possible, so that the Body of Christ is more closely connected, and more importantly, to be able to more easily reach those in their community and surrounding area with the gospel. Faith Brush: Providing services to help your church reach people where they are; and making your church more visible in the hopes of making Christ more visible. Jesus Christ’s imperative command for all of us is to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:18), and to be “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matt 28:20). I believe we should use every means at our disposal (which is ethical) to go into all the world. Faith Brush can be another tool to do just that in helping make your church more visible so that we might make Christ more visible.

Here is some related reading for you: How Prayer Chain Text Messaging Can Unify the Church

Resource – Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), Crossway Bibles. (2007). ESV: Study Bible: English standard version. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway Bibles. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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