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Bible Verses, Quotes, Christian Answers, Songs and More
by Bruce Darnall · Print
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Tagged as: Corey Knebel, FCA, Jeff Knebel, Melissa Knebel, Mercy Me, Milwaukee Brewers, Pro Athletes Outreach, Texas Athletics
Bruce Darnall is a retired middle school guidance counselor and now a part-time real estate broker. He coached high school and junior college women’s basketball. He volunteers at the local food pantry and Respite, and he is an elder in his church. Bruce graduated from Eureka College (B.A.) and Butler University (M.S.), and he attended the University of Wisconsin at Madison and Christian Theological Seminary. Bruce started his writing in 1965 with his college senior thesis “Religion and Professional Baseball” where he interviewed the likes of Brooks Robinson, Bobby Richardson, Bill White, Tommy John, Felipe Alou and several others. He has written articles for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Athletes in Action. Bruce co-authored a book on USAC midget racing champion, Mel Kenyon, titled: “Burned to Life.” Bruce and his wife, Gloria, live in Lake Mills, Wisconsin, and have four adult children and several grandchildren.
Bruce has written 29 articles on What Christians Want To Know! Read them in the archive below.
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