The Bible is the word of God and has so many great ways to study it. Studying the Bible by topic or subject is one of those ways. At What Christians Want To Know we strive to encourage others to read the Bible and our list of articles about Bible verses on different topics is growing. To help to have one place to find these on this website, I have created this post. Please bookmark this and you can come back to it while looking for a particular topical verse or scripture. As we write about more Bible topics and subjects we will add a link to them on this article. If you have a topic that is not listed below, please add the topic to the comments and we will do the best we can to come up with a comprehensive list of Bible verses on that topic. As is always the case, we would recommend that you open your Bible and look at the context that each of the scripture quotes come from for a better understanding of the topic.
So What Does The Bible Say About the Bible?
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
John 10:35 If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be broken—
Bible Verses By Topic
A [2] B [3] C [4] D [5] E [6] F [7] G [8] H [9] I [10] J [11] K [12] L [13] M [14]
N [15] O [16] P [17] Q [18] R [19] S [20] T [21] U [22] V [23] W [24] X [25] Y [26] Z [27]
Accountability [29]
Adapting and Adaptability [30]
Action, Taking [31]
Addiction [32]
Addictions, Counseling About [33]
Adversity [34]
Angels [35]
Anger [36]
Anger and Wrath. KJV [37]
Animals, Loving and Caring for [38]
Anointing and Oil [39]
Antichrist [40]
Anxiety [41]
Arms, Open of God [42]
Athletes [43]
Attacks, Overcoming from the Enemy [44]
Attitude [45]
Babies [46]
Baptism [47]
Beauty [48]
Beauty, God’s [49]
Bereavement [50]
Betrayal [51]
Birth of Jesus [52]
Birthday, Use on card or note [53]
Blessings [54]
Bravery [56]
Brokenhearted (For) [57]
Calm [58]
Cancer Patients [59]
Career Decisions [60]
Character [61]
Cheer [62]
Child, Pray Over [63]
Church [64]
Comfort [66]
Communion [67]
Compassion [68]
Confidence [69]
Conflict [70]
Contentment [71]
Couples [73]
Counseling about Addictions [33]
Counseling about Depression [74]
Counseling about Sin [77]
Counseling Believers [78]
Courage [79]
Change [80]
Children [81]
Christmas [82]
Christmas, Birth of Jesus [52]
Christmas, KJV [84]
Creation [85]
Dating [86]
David, About [87]
Death [88]
Death and Dying, KJV [89]
Decisions, Tough [90]
Demons [35]
Demons, Casting out [91]
Depression [92]
Depression, Counseling about [74]
Determination [93]
Disagreements, KJV [94]
Disappointment [95]
Discipline [96]
Disputes, KJV [94]
Divorce [97]
Divorce, Coping with [98]
Doubt [99]
Drunkenness and Drinking [100]
Earth, KJV [101]
Easter [102]
Eating Disorders, Struggling with [103]
Edification [104]
Encouragement [105]
End Times [106]
Enemies [107]
Ephesians [108]
Epic [109]
Evangelism [110]
Faith [111]
Faith, KJV [112]
Faithfulness, God’s [113]
Family [114]
Famous [115]
Fasting [116]
Fathers [117]
Favor, Gods [118]
Favorites [119]
Fear [120]
Fear, Overcoming [121]
Fellowship [122]
Fighting [123]
Financial Trouble [124]
First Day of School [101]
Food [125]
Forgiveness [126]
Forgiveness, KJV [127]
For A Bad Day [128]
Foundation, The Right, KJV [129]
Freedom [130]
Freedom and Independence [131]
Friendship [132]
Fruit of the Spirit, KJV [133]
Frustrations, Dealing with [134]
Funerals [135]
Generosity [136]
Gentleness [137]
God [138]
God’s Beauty [49]
God’s Character [139]
God’s Children, KJV [140]
God’s Favor [118]
God’s Love [141]
God’s Power [142]
God’s Presence [143]
God’s Timing [144]
God’s Will [145]
Good Fight, Fight the [146]
Good Friday [147]
Goodness of God [148]
Gossip [149]
Grace [150]
Grace, KJV Verses [151]
Graduation and Graduates [152]
Grateful, Gratitude [153]
Greed [154]
Grief [155]
Hard Times [156]
Hard Work [157]
Hatred, KJV [158]
Healing [159]
Heart, About the [160]
Heaven [161]
Heaven, KJV [162]
Hell [163]
Helping Others [164]
Homeless and Hungry [165]
Hope [166]
Hope, KJV [167]
Humility [168]
Hurting, Share with [169]
Husbands to know [170]
Independence [131]
Infertility, Struggling with, Help For [171]
Insecurity, Overcoming [172]
Insomnia [173]
Inspirational [174]
Integrity [175]
Jealousy [176]
Jesus, Accepting [177]
Jesus, Describe [178]
Job, From the Book of [179]
John, From the Book of [180]
Joy [181]
Judgment [182]
Knowledge [183]
Laughter and Merriment, KJV [184]
Lead Someone To Christ [185]
Leadership [186]
Letting Go [187]
Life [188]
Loneliness [189]
Lost [190]
Love [191]
Love and Marriage, KJV [192]
Love One Another [193]
Loves Us, How He [194]
Lying [196]
Marriage [197]
Marriage, Newlyweds [198]
Memorize (to) [199]
Memorize (to), KJV [200]
Memorize, New Believers [201]
Mercy [202]
Mind, Ease You [203]
Miracles [204]
Missions [205]
Mistakes, Making [206]
Mistakes, Past [207]
Money [208]
Money, KJV [209]
Mom, Single [210]
Mothers, Working [211]
Mother’s Day [212]
Nativity, KJV [213]
Newlyweds [198]
Nurses [214]
Obedience [215]
Orphans [216]
Overcoming [217]
Overcoming Bitterness [218]
Overcoming, Resentment [219]
Overlooked [220]
Pain [221]
Parents [222]
Patience [223]
Peace [224]
Peer Pressure [225]
Perception [226]
Perfection [227]
Perseverance [228]
Peter, Apostle, About [229]
Photos [230] (In)
Possessions, Earthly [231]
Popular [232]
Poverty [233]
Poverty, KJV [234]
Power of Prayer [235]
Pressing On, KJV [236]
Pride [237]
Prayer [238]
Preschoolers to Learn [239]
Priorities [240]
Pro Life [241]
Promises of God [242]
Protection, God’s [243]
Provision, God’s [244]
Purity [245]
Purpose [246]
Quiet Time with God [247]
Rapture [248]
Regret [249]
Relationships [250]
Reliability [251]
Repentance [252]
Resentment, Overcoming [219]
Respect [253]
Rest [254]
Risk Taking [255]
Romans [256]
Sacrifices [257]
Sad, When you feel [258]
Salvation [259]
Sanctification, KJV [260]
Satan [261]
School, First Day of [101]
Seasons, KJV [262]
Seeking God [263]
Seekers [264]
Serving [265]
Share with Difficult Unbeliever, KJV [266]
Sick [267]
Sin [268]
Sin, Turning From [269]
Sisters, KJV [270]
Sleep and Insomnia [173]
Sleeping and Rest, KJV [271]
Smoking, Encouragement Help Quit [272]
Soldiers (For) [273]
Sorrow [274]
Sowing and Reaping [275]
Spiritual Maturity [276]
Starting Over [277]
Students, for High School [278]
Strength [279]
Strength, KJV [280]
Stress [281]
Struggle [282]
Success [283]
Sympathy, Verses for cards [284]
Teachers [285]
Temper [286]
Temptation [287]
Text a Friend Verses [288]
Thankfulness, KJV [289]
Thanksgiving [290]
Thank You Cards (for) [291]
Time and Seasons, KJV [262]
Timing, God’s [144]
To Live By [292]
To Share With Others [293]
Tolerance [294]
Tongue, Taming the [295]
Trials [296]
Truth [297]
Trust [298]
Unity [299]
Valentine’s Day [300]
Waiting [301]
Walking in the Light [302]
War [303]
Water [304]
Weakness [305]
Weather [306]
Weddings (For) [307]
Wedding Invitations (For) [308]
Wisdom [309]
Wisdom of God [310]
Women [311]
Words Of Jesus [312]
Words, Your [313]
Worldliness [314]
Worry [315]
Worship [316]
Youth [317]
A [2] B [3] C [4] D [5] E [6] F [7] G [8] H [9] I [10] J [11] K [12] L [13] M [14]
N [15] O [16] P [17] Q [18] R [19] S [20] T [21] U [22] V [23] W [24] X [25] Y [26] Z [27]
Top of List [2]
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Do you have additional Bible Verses by topic or subject that you were looking for that were not listed here? Let us know in the comments.
The Holy Bible, King James Version
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version [318]
“Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.” [319]– “Word of God Speak” by Mercy Me