What Are Some Of The Birthmarks Of Believers?

by Jack Wellman
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What are some of the birthmarks that believers ought to bear? Birthmarks Not every Christian will bear the same birthmarks as you or me. Some will show them more profoundly than others. Some will have fewer and others have more, but not everyone displays these birthmarks right away. After a person is born again, or […]

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How Can A Christian Glorify God At Work?

by Jack Wellman
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How can our work glorify God, even if it’s a job most people don’t even notice? In the Body Even in the Old Testament, God forbid sexual immorality like adultery or having sex outside of marriage. In fact, the penalty was so severe that they were both to be put to death (Lev 20:10), so […]

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Was Jesus A Nazarite?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible say Jesus was a Nazarite like Samson was? Origin of the Nazarite’s There isn’t a lot of biblical history about Nazarite’s. The word itself means “one who lives apart” or “one who has made a vow of abstinence,” and some of the prohibitions for the Nazarites were the same for the high […]

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Are Christians No Longer Sinners?

by Jack Wellman
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Once Christians are saved, are they no longer sinners? What does the Bible say about this? Romans 7 I still struggle over my sinful nature every single day. I just can’t break free from the tendency of my heart. It reminds me of the struggle the Apostle Paul had after conversion, where he wrote, “For […]

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Can A Christian Have A Spell Put On Them? Are Generational Curses Biblical?

by Jack Wellman
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Can a Christian have a spell or curse put on them? Can families be under a generational curse? Who is Cursed? The Old Testament mentions that whoever is hanged on a tree is cursed and comes from Deuteronomy 21:22-23 which says, “And if a man has committed a crime punishable by death and he is […]

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Is Behavioral Therapy Biblical?

by Jack Wellman
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Is Behavioral Therapy biblical? Does the Bible condone or condemn it or is it silent on this subject? Pavlov’s Dogs I remember years ago studying Pavlov’s Dogs, which was about classical conditioning. Every time they would get ready to feed the dogs they would ring a bell and upon hearing the bell, the dogs would […]

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I Have Faith, So Why Didn’t God Answer My Prayer?

by Jack Wellman
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Does unanswered prayer mean you don’t have enough faith? What does God’s Word say? Faith is… The Bible says that “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Heb 11:1), so faith is an assurance we have hope in and the conviction of the things we do not yet […]

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What Does The Bible Say About The Use Steroids?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible say anything about the use of steroids, and if not, how can we determine if they are acceptable to God or not? Our Bodies Our bodies have been described as the Temple of God because God the Holy Spirit lives in every believer, so today, we don’t need a temple to worship […]

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What’s The Difference Between Godly And Worldly Sorrow?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does the Bible delineate between godly and worldly sorrow? What’s the difference? Repentance When the Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, he told them that they “felt a godly grief, so that you suffered no loss through us” (2nd Cor 7:9b), so did he mean repentance? The reason I ask that is […]

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Was The Mosaic Law Copied From The Code Of Hammurabi?

by Jack Wellman
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Is it true as some say that Moses only copied his law from the Code of Hammurabi? King Hammurabi Who was King Hammurabi? Hammurabi was the sixth of 11 kings of the Babylon Dynasty, and around the beginning of the second millennium, a group of Amorites migrated into Mesopotamia and formed a social and political […]

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