Are Deliverance Ministries Biblical?

by Jack Wellman
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Are deliverance ministries biblical? Are they taught in the Bible? We Were Delivered The Bible has much to say about deliverance. Deliverance, or being delivered, is mentioned over 160 times in all. It’s a concept God obviously wants us to think about. God promised Abraham that He’d deliver him out of his enemy’s hands (Gen […]

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How To Teach Your Children About God

by Jack Wellman
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What are the best ways to teach children about God in the hopes that they might become a child of God? By the Word In our Sunday school children’s program, we require the Word of God to be read during their activities. In doing so, we are exposing our children to the Word of God, […]

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Biblical Signs Of The Declining Morality Of America And The World

by Jack Wellman
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What are some biblical signs of the nation and the world’s declining morality? Micah 7:1-7 The Fall and Decline of Morality National moral decline happens when God is neglected. Micah lists five different kinds of relationships that are affected by a nation’s refusal to follow God and they are shockingly close to what we see […]

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7 Bible Verses For Overcoming Fear

by Jack Wellman
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Here are seven Bible verses with commentary about overcoming fear. Second Timothy 1:7 “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” What is the “spirit” that the Apostle Paul is speaking about which is called a “spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control?” […]

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How Do We Know When God Is Disciplining Us?

by Jack Wellman
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When things go wrong, how can we tell if it is God disciplining us or it’s just time and chance that God uses to teach us something? Time and Chance The Bible says that time and chance happen to us all (Eccl 9:11), so even though God is sovereign, we can’t assume that everything that […]

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Why Your Family Should Create Your Own History Book

by Jack Wellman
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Why go to all the trouble to create your families own history book? Family History Years ago, my late mother wrote a short history about our family, tracing our roots back to the Cherokee Indians. She wrote about our family as far as possible on my grandfather’s side, which went all the way back to […]

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What Essential Doctrines Must All Christians Believe?

by Jack Wellman
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Is it okay to have differences in our biblical understanding? What essential truths should every Christian believe in? Non-Essential Doctrines Some things are not worth dying on the hill for; such things as the rapture, the millennium, the Great Tribulation, the gift of tongues, and a host of other various beliefs that are enveloped within […]

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Why Persecution Is Actually A Good Thing

by Jack Wellman
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Some people try to avoid persecution, but there’s every reason to embrace it. Avoiding Persecution One way to avoid being persecuted is to never speak about your faith in Christ. If you never mentioned the gospel and why lost people need Christ, then you won’t have any persecution because no one will know you’re a […]

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How Do You Practice The Pure Religion Of James 1:27?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the “pure religion” that James wrote about? How can we practice it? Religion or Relationship? I don’t believe God wants any more religious people. He is seeking to have a personal relationship, not a religious one. Christianity shouldn’t be a religion but a relationship and first of all, a saving relationship with Jesus […]

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Is The New Apostolic Reformation Biblical?

by Jack Wellman
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There is a lot of talk about the New Apostolic Reformation, so is it biblical? New Revelation? Apparently, some think that we’ve been given some new revelation and that it’s now time for a “New Apostolic Reformation,” (NAR) but, does it line up with what the Bible teaches about apostles, prophets, and the chief cornerstone, […]

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