How to Teach Children to Memorize Bible Scriptures

by Jack Wellman
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There are several ways to teach children how to memorize Bible Scriptures so here are a few. In a Song There are several ways to teach children how to memorize Bible Scriptures so here are a few but how can we help children commit certain Bible verses to memory ? By the way, these same […]

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Why Christians Should Not Be Angry With Lost Sinners and Their Sin

by Jack Wellman
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Christians should not be angry at lost sinners but rather love them and pray for them. God’s First Move Christians should not be angry at lost sinners but rather love them and pray for them. First of all, there go we but by God’s grace, and secondly, God loved us first before we ever loved […]

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Is the Word “Easter” Pagan? Should Christians Use the Name Easter?

by Jack Wellman
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Is using the word “Easter” pagan? Should Christians use the name Easter? Is Easter Pagan? Is using the word “Easter” pagan and is the word of pagan origin? Wait before you answer that.  Many believe that Easter has connections with paganism. Some things we grant are not from the Bible. Things like hiding and gathering […]

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The Striking Similarities and Portrayal of Joseph and Jesus Christ

by Jack Wellman
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The story of Joseph in Genesis has striking similarities and portrayals to Jesus Christ. Jesus and Joseph The story of Joseph in Genesis has striking similarities and portrayals to Jesus Christ. Joseph is the only man in the Bible (besides Jesus) who is never said to have sinned. Of course, we all sin and fall […]

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Why Are So Many Prisoners Being Saved Today?

by Jack Wellman
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Thousands and thousands of prisoners are being saved behind bars? Why? What’s going on? Slaves of Someone Thousands upon thousands of prisoners are being saved behind bars? Why? What’s going on? If we are saved, then we are, as the Scriptures say, slaves of Christ. The Greek word “Doulos” occurs almost every time where “servant” […]

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How to Identify False Prophets and Pastors

by Jack Wellman
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How can Christians learn to spot the differences between false prophets and pastors and those who are biblically centered? Satan’s Ministers How can Christians learn to spot the differences between false prophets and pastors and those who are biblically centered? We do know that Satan has his own ministers and they appear like angels of […]

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4 Powerful Reasons to Never Give Up

by Jack Wellman
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We are often tempted to just give up in our Christian walk but here are 4 powerful reasons to never give up for God never gives up on you. Pressing Forward We are often tempted to just give up in our Christian walk, but here are 4 powerful reasons to never give up for God […]

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Why Are Biblically Solid Churches Disappearing in the World?

by Jack Wellman
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Biblically solid churches are disappearing quickly, so what’s happening? Falling Away Biblically solid churches are disappearing quickly, so what’s happening? The Apostle Paul warned that “the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions” (2 Tim 4:3). This […]

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How Can Christians Overcome Fear and Anxiety in a Dangerous World?

by Jack Wellman
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How can Christians overcome the fear and anxiety of living in an increasingly dangerous world? No Condemnation How can Christians overcome the fear and anxiety of living in an increasingly dangerous world? Why not start with something from God’s Word and a promise that “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power […]

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How to Plant Seeds of the Gospel

by Jack Wellman
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How can we witness to lost sinners and at least plant a seed so that someone else might water it? God Gives the Increase How can we witness to lost sinners and at least plant a seed so that someone else might water it? The late pastor Adrian Rogers once put it nicely when saying, […]

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