What Is The Christian View Of Psychics?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible say anything about psychics? Is it sinful to consult with a psychic? The Omniscient God Did it ever occur to you that nothing has ever occurred to God? Or, has it ever dawned on you that nothing’s ever dawned on God? The point is, God doesn’t ever learn anything new because He […]

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What Are Signs Your Church Is Lukewarm or Laodicean?

by Jack Wellman
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What are some of the signs that a church is growing lukewarm, much like the Laodicean Church did? Frog in a Pot A church doesn’t become lukewarm overnight. It takes year after year for this to happen, but the tragic thing is, since it’s so slow and gradual, many churches don’t even notice it. It’s […]

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How To Be A Peacemaker In A World Without Peace

by Jack Wellman
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The world has anything but peace, so how can you be a peacemaker in a world without peace? No God, No Peace The Bible says the way of peace, they know not, meaning, they don’t know the way to peace because they’ve not made peace with God, and they don’t even know God. You cannot […]

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3 Biblical Lessons For Expectant Parents

by Jack Wellman
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Are you expecting a baby? If so, here are 3 biblical lessons that might help you. Start Early We should acknowledge the fact that children are a gift from God and there are no “mistakes.” God planned this from the beginning, whether we realize it or not. Several people I know said they were “accidents,” […]

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How To Take Refuge In A Troubled World

by Jack Wellman
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Does it seem like your world is falling apart around you? Here’s what to do when your world comes crashing down. Gathering Storm If I were to speak about the U.S. debt and the economic and financial storm that is brewing, you might easily grow depressed, but we have a sure and certain anchor of our […]

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What Does It Mean To Lay Aside Every Weight And Sin?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible verse that says we are to lay aside every weight and sin mean? What is this weight the author is talking about? The Cloud of Witnesses The author of Hebrews wrote, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and […]

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The Dual Nature Of Biblical Prophecy

by Jack Wellman
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There are a lot of things that come in twos, and there is even a dual nature of biblical prophecy. The Old and the New The Old Testament is still relevant today, even though one man told me that the Scripture says the Old Testament is not necessary today. I reminded him that the “old […]

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Why Are There So Many School Shootings?

by Jack Wellman
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Why are there so many school shootings these days? What’s the cause? Fallen Man You don’t have to look around very far to see that this is a fallen world. Jesus told Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I […]

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What Did Paul Mean, Jesus Will Come As A Thief In The Night?

by Jack Wellman
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Why did the Apostle Paul say that Jesus will come like a thief in the night? Unexpected A thief naturally waits for the best time to break in and steal, but thieves won’t generally do things in broad daylight, but under the cover of darkness at night. That’s when thieves do their dirty work, and […]

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How Do I Know If Something Is Sin Or Not?

by Jack Wellman
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Do you have trouble in some “grey areas” things where some believe it is sin while others don’t? How can we know when something’s sin or not? Obvious Sin There are many things in the Bible that are clearly black and white, meaning, things like sexual immorality is sinful. There’s no question that adultery and […]

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