What Is The Acts of Paul and Thecla?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the Acts of Paul and Thecla? Is it inspired by God or a product of man? Human Inspired There are many books which many claim to belong in the Bible, but upon close examination, these books, called the Apocrypha, are not from God but from mankind. The Apocrypha are books that have never […]

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What Is The Insider Movement?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the Insider Movement that is sweeping across some Christian circles? Is it Biblically sound? Insiders Everyone has someone to whom they’re closer to than others. Someone they can share things with that they wouldn’t tell others. Some scholars believe that James, John, and Peter were closer to Jesus than the other disciples. They […]

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Who Were The Gnostics? What Is Gnosticism?

by Jack Wellman
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What is Eschatology? Why is it important for us to know? Gnosticism Gnosticism comes from the ancient Greek word “gnostikos” and means “having knowledge,” so Gnosticism is based upon knowledge and has little regard for the physical world. Gnostics teach that material or physical matter is evil because the world was created imperfectly. To them, […]

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What Is Hyper-Grace?

by Jack Wellman
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What is hyper-grace? Is it something new? Is it biblically sound? Hyper Anyone that’s been around toddlers very much knows they can get very hyper. Hyper means extremely excitable or extremely active. It could refer to someone being overstimulated, keyed up, obsessively concerned, and even fanatical or rabid, so the term hyper-grace refers to an […]

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What Is Eschatology? What Does Eschatology Mean?

by Jack Wellman
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What is Eschatology? Why is it important for us to know about it? The End Times Eschatology simply means a study of the end times or end time events in the Bible. It’s from the Latinized form of Greek and literally translates into, “last, furthest,” or “uttermost,” so for all intents and purposes, eschatology is […]

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What Is The Jedi Religion? What Is Jediism?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the Jedi Religion? Why do we need to know about it? Star Wars It seems that Star Wars has captured our minds and imagination since the day it came out. It was a story we could all identify with. There was good versus evil, and in the end, good won out, but Star […]

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What Are The Best Bible Translations?

by Jack Wellman
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There are so many different Bible translations out there, so which one is best? Variety If you look at nature, you can see that God loves variety. Hardly any two species are the same, and even humans are like snowflakes in the sense that no two of us are alike, and that’s good, but what […]

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Is It Sinful To Have Fear And Doubt?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible say that having fear and doubt is sin? If so, what can we do to rid ourselves of both fear and doubt? Fear I think fear can be a good thing. When we’re climbing a ladder, it’s good to make sure of our footing, but the best fear is to fear God. […]

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What Is A Heretic? Are There Heretics In The Church?

by Jack Wellman
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What do you say to someone who is listening to a false teacher? What is a Heretic? If you looked at a dictionary’s definition of a heretic and the Bible’s description of one, you would find some very strong similarities. For example, the dictionary says a heretic is a professed believer but they maintain religious […]

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What Do You Say To Someone Who Listens To A False Teacher?

by Jack Wellman
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What do you say to someone who is listening to a false teacher? In Spirit and Truth When Jesus was speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well, He told her, “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). God must be worshiped in the spirit but […]

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