Can Christians Commit Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

by Jack Wellman
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Is it possible for believers to commit blaspheme of the Holy Spirit and commit an unpardonable sin? God’s Holy Name God’s name is holy and to be treated with great reverence and respect. God took His name so seriously that one of the laws in the Old Testament said, “Whoever blasphemes the name of the […]

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What Is Glossolalia?

by Jack Wellman
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What is Glossolalia? Is it even biblical? Glossolalia What is Glossolalia? It’s said to be some type of phenomenon that is practiced by some Pentecostal and charismatic churches. It’s where someone or several people are speaking in tongues while in worship service, but in a tongue that’s unknown to the audience. Some may try to […]

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What Is The Role Of The Holy Spirit?

by Jack Wellman
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What role does the Holy Spirit lead in the life of the believer? The Quickening Spirit Before we were saved, we were the walking dead; dead in our sins. We needed the Spirit’s quickening. The Apostle Paul wrote that I was dead and “you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once […]

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Is Our Gender Biological Or A Choice?

by Jack Wellman
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IIs it natural to be able to choose your gender? Is our gender biologically determined or is it a social construct? Boys and Girls I remember years ago a guest speaker coming to a church I used to attend and telling us about an interesting study a psychologist did. He wanted to prove that boys […]

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Is The Church The New Israel?

by Jack Wellman
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Some believe that the church has replaced Israel or is the “New Israel,” so is the church the New Israel? Israelite Feast Days I know of several churches that claim we are still supposed to keep the feast days of the Old Testament as well as observe the Sabbath as Saturday, however there is no […]

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Are There Some People God Will Not Save?

by Jack Wellman
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Does God predestine some to be saved and some to be lost? Are there some people God will not save? Predestination The Bible clearly teaches that believers have been called from before the foundation of the earth, so it’s not shocking to us that God has elected those whom He will save. The Apostle Paul […]

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What If Someone Doesn’t Forgive Me?

by Jack Wellman
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God commands us to forgive others as we have been forgiven, but what about those who refuse to forgive us? Forgiveness I believe it’s more important for us to forgive others than for them to forgive us. That’s because we cannot change people, we can only control how we react to other people, but we […]

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Book Review Of The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible

by Jack Wellman
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Here’s a look at the new children’s Bible called The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible by Doris Wynbeek Rikkers. In the Beginning The book, The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible, is a great resource for a young child. and even a brand-new Christian. It covers the basics of the redemptive plan of God from the […]

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Why Did God Change People’s Names In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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There are several occasions when God changed a person’s name, but why does He do that? Abram to Abraham God called Abram (before his name was changed to Abraham) out of paganism. We don’t know why God called Abram and not others. It simply says “the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and […]

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What Is The Holy Of Holies?

by Jack Wellman
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One place was off limits to everyone but the high priest, and that was the Holy of Holies, so what is the Holy of Holies? Day of Atonement I can’t remember who said it, but it’s one of the best descriptions of what the Day of Atonement means. He said it is a way of […]

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