What Is The Sovereignty Of God?

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible teaches that God is sovereign over all things, but what does that mean? Is there still free will? Sovereign The word sovereign means, “Highest, supreme,” or “chief.” The idea is that whoever is sovereign are superior, ruler, and master of all. Ancient kings were sovereign over their kingdoms, having power over everything and […]

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I Think I’m Saved But I’m Not Sure

by Jack Wellman
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If you’ve ever doubted your salvation, you’re not alone, but there are ways you can make your election and calling sure. Examining our Faith I am actually glad when people do not take their salvation for granted or tell me or someone else they’re not sure they’re saved. Besides, many of the greatest saints of […]

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Is It Biblical To Declare And Decree?

by Jack Wellman
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Is positive confession or to declare and decree biblical? God Spoke When God speaks, things happen. Even the gospel itself has the power of God in it (Rom 1:16; 1 Cor 1:18), so when God speaks, His Word shall be fulfilled. God says, “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it […]

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How You Can Draw Closer To God

by Jack Wellman
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If you desire to draw close to God and stay there, here are some ideas on how to do that. Meditating on the Word I believe that meditating on the Word of God is a lost art today. It is one thing to read the Word; it is altogether different to contemplate the Word. I […]

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Book of 1st Timothy Bible Study And Commentary

by Jack Wellman
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Why did the Apostle Paul write 1st Timothy? What was the purpose and why is it still relevant today? Main Purpose Paul’s argument to Timothy and the church at Ephesus is a clear explanation of the difference between the gospel of God being of grace and false ideas or teachings which are opposed to it. […]

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How To Spot Heresies And False Doctrines

by Jack Wellman
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False doctrines and heresies are on the uptick today, and it’s only going to get worse, so how can you spot false doctrine when you hear it or read it? Satan’s Ministers Sometimes it’s hard to identify false teachings or heretical doctrines. There is such a thing as the doctrines of demons, and Satan himself […]

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What Does It Mean To Harden Your Heart?

by Jack Wellman
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How do our hearts get hardened? Does rejecting the gospel over and over again harden a person’s heart? Dead in Sins The Bible doesn’t paint a very pretty picture of what we were like before God saved us. At one time, all of us were dead in our sins, with no hope to be saved, […]

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How Persecution Grows The Church

by Jack Wellman
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Most of us try to avoid being persecuted, but the truth is, persecution can actually grow the church and grow us. Here’s how. A Normal Thing No Christian should ever be surprised when they are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. The real surprise is if they’ve never been persecuted. If that’s the case, […]

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7 Prayers For Your Adult Children

by Jack Wellman
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Parents never give up on their children, no matter what, so here are 7 prayers that you can pray for your adult children. Prayer of Protection When we pray for our children, we need to be specific and to pray for their protection. Pray for their protection from the enemy or the god of this […]

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How To Endure The Trials Of Life

by Jack Wellman
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How can we keep calm when we’re faced with huge trials in life? Get in the Word Everyone goes through trials in life. The only question is, “How do we respond to them?” The Bible is the best place to start when seeking godly wisdom about things like avoiding sin, loving others, and how to […]

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