How Can I Hear From God?

by Jack Wellman
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How can you hear from God when you’re praying for something important? How do you recognize if God is trying to tell you something? Thru His Word Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I hear from God? How will I know its God speaking to me, telling me to do something or not do […]

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What Were The Last 7 Sayings Of Jesus On The Cross?

by Jack Wellman
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What were Jesus’ 7 last sayings while He hung on the cross? What is their significance? Matthew 27:46 When Jesus hung on the cross, and the darkness overtook the land, it was “about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why […]

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What Christians Can Do During Quarantine Or Stay-At-Home Orders?

by Jack Wellman
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When a Christian is placed under quarantine or has a stay-at-home order, what can they do? How can they serve God? The Master’s Hands It may be harder on single people than anyone else to be quarantined. That’s because they have no immediate support system and often live alone. If that’s the case, they have […]

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Should Churches Meet And Defy Shelter In Place Orders?

by Jack Wellman
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Some churches are defying their state’s shelter in place or stay-at-home orders and still having worship services. What does the Bible say about this? Defying Authorities There are some churches today that are defying their state’s order to stay at home or shelter in place. Thousands of places which were deemed non-essential to society have […]

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How To Celebrate Easter Or Resurrection Sunday From Home

by Jack Wellman
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If you’re not able to worship together on Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday because of a stay-at-home order or quarantine, here’s how to celebrate the risen Lord. Prayer Today there are many factors which prevent the church from gathering together collectively or corporately, and worshiping God together. Even if you’re alone in your home and […]

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How To Worship God When You Can’t Go To Church

by Jack Wellman
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What do Christians do when they can’t attend church due to pandemics or stay-at-home orders? Isolation What do Christians do when they can’t attend church due to pandemics or stay-at-home orders? Many believers around the world are separated from one another and cannot even attend a church, so they must have their own worship services […]

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Did They Have Viruses Or The Flu When Jesus Walked The Earth?

by Jack Wellman
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Have the flu and viruses been around since Jesus’ earthly ministry? Were some that Jesus healed actually sick from the flu? Pandemics Have the flu and viruses been around since Jesus’ earthly ministry? Were some that Jesus healed actually sick from the flu? Pandemics of flu-like viruses have apparently been around even before the time […]

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What Does It Mean, “The Just Shall Live By Faith?”

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible frequently says, “The just shall live by faith,” so what does that mean exactly? What is Faith? It sounds like a simple enough question. What is faith? A child has faith that their parent will take care of them and cross the street safely. The child trusts that the parent is holding onto […]

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Did The Book Of Chronicles Predict The Coronavirus And Locust Outbreak?

by Jack Wellman
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Is it possible that the Book of Chronicles predicted or prophesied the coronavirus and locust outbreak in Africa? Conditional Blessings God is no respecter of nations any more than He is a respecter of persons. What that means is God does not care whether you are Jewish or Gentile, male or female, or rich or […]

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7 Bible Verses For Troubled Times

by Jack Wellman
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Here are 7 Bible verses that can help us deal with today’s troubles and those that may come tomorrow. Second Peter 2:9 Today, it seems like there’s nothing but bad news. There is so much bad news out there that you’d think nothing ever good happened. When it feels like you can’t take any more […]

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