How Pandemics, Depressions And Disasters Are Used By God

by Jack Wellman
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How can any good come from global pandemics, economic depressions, and natural disasters? God has a history of using evil for good. The Black Plague Perhaps the worst disaster to ever occur in human history, besides the Flood, was the Black Plague, which was also known as the Pestilence and the Great Mortality, but it […]

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How To Trust In God When Your Life’s Falling Apart

by Jack Wellman
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How can we hold on in a world that’s falling apart, even when financial or physical hardships hit us hard? Pandemics and Economics Who would have thought just a few months ago that a deadly pandemic would sweep the globe, ruining or closing thousands of businesses, forcing millions to the unemployment lines, and have families […]

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What Is Biblical Eisegesis And What Is Exegesis?

by Jack Wellman
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What is biblical exegesis and what is biblical eisegesis and why is the latter so dangerous when reading and studying the Bible? Eisegesis Eisegesis is, in short, the exact opposite of hermeneutics. Where hermeneutics is concerned with extracting the meaning out of biblical text, eisegesis (sometimes called “isogesis”) attempts to insert one’s own interpretation or […]

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What Is Christian Hedonism?

by Jack Wellman
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What is Christian hedonism and why is it a threat to the Christianity of the Bible? Hedonists Hedonists are those who practice hedonism, and hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure or sensual self-indulgence. To the hedonist, it’s all about the pleasures in life and satisfaction of desires. That’s the highest good and proper aim of […]

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What You And Your Church Can Do To Stop Racism

by Jack Wellman
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Even though there may be no racists in your church, there are ways you and your church can reduce racism around you, and in your communities. Prejudice There are all sorts of ways we can show prejudice toward people. We seem to naturally judge people on sight. For one thing, it is our human nature […]

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What Is A Reprobate Mind? Can We Become A Reprobate?

by Jack Wellman
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The Apostle Paul wrote about some who finally came to a have a reprobate mind, so what is a reprobate and is there a risk we can reprobate? A Reprobate A reprobate is someone who is an unprincipled person. To the hyper-Calvinist, they are a sinner who is not of the elect and is predestined […]

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What The Bible Says About Racism

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible teach about racism, prejudice, and bias? The Old Testament One of my favorite chapters in the Old Testament is Leviticus 19. Now you might think that the Book of Leviticus is strictly about the Old Testament Laws, and you’d be right, but some of these laws were separate from the sacrificial […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Racism, Prejudice and Violence?

by Jack Wellman
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In a nation ready to explode with riots, burning, looting, and killing, what does the Bible say about dealing with racism, prejudice, and violence? No Reason for Racism When it comes down to it, there’s really only one race…the human race. The Apostle Paul, speaking about the Creator, said that “he made from one man […]

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Will Violence Continue To Grow As Jesus’ Return Nears?

by Jack Wellman
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Will violence continue to escalate as the time of Jesus’ appearance draws near? As in the Days of Noah The recent law enforcement issues have created tensions between African-Americans and police. Even though actual reports of police brutality are in the small minority, it doesn’t take much for our society to take to the streets. […]

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What Was Paul’s Macedonian Call?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the Macedonian Call? Is that a call that Christians will have too, except not in Macedonia? Saul’s Call Perhaps the reason that Jesus Himself had to directly intervene in the Apostle Paul’s life to call him as a missionary was probably because no human alive could have ever witnessed to him about Jesus […]

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