Why Does the Word of God (the Bible) Offend Most People?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does the Word of God, the Bible, offend so many people? Cuts in Order to Heal Why does the Word of God, the Bible, offend so many people? I would ask, “Whatever happened to the Gospel?” Jesus defined the Gospel as repenting and believing (Mark 1:15), but if we tell people they need to […]

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Why Churches Are Departing From the Biblical Truth Once Delivered

by Jack Wellman
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Why are more and more churches departing from the faith once delivered and leaving the truth of God’s Word behind? Pragmatism Why are more and more churches caving into society and leaving the truth of God’s Word behind? Part of the reason is that they figure if it works most of the time for most […]

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Why Does God Allow Trials, Tests and Tribulations?

by Jack Wellman
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Why would a good God allow His children to go through trials, troubles and suffering? He has very good reasons! Toil and Trouble Why would a good God allow His children to go through trials, troubles and suffering? He has very good reasons! If there were never any troubles and everything went perfectly for everyone, […]

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What Does it Mean There is the Power of Life and Death in the Tongue?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does the Bible say that the power of life and death are in the tongue? There are very good reasons for that! Power of the Tongue Why does the Bible say that the power of life and death are in the tongue? There are very good reasons for that! Solomon wrote, “Death and life […]

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Psalm 103 – A Bible Study Showing Us the Very Heart of God

by Jack Wellman
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Psalm 103 gives us a clear view of the heart and mind of God and why this Psalm will lift your spirits. Bless His Name Psalm 103 gives us a clear view of the heart and mind of God and why this Psalm will lift your spirits. Knowing that He has redeemed us through Christ, […]

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Is the Men’s Warrior Group Recommended or Biblical?

by Jack Wellman
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Is the Men’s Warrior Group from the Mankind Project something Christian men should be involved with? Men’s Warrior Group Is the Men’s Warrior Group from the Mankind Project something Christian men should be involved with? They claim to be “Sharpening men to become the husbands, fathers, and leaders God designed us to be,” but is […]

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What the Bible Says About Friends and Friendship

by Jack Wellman
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Everyone needs friends, so what does the Bible say about friends and friendship and what kind of friends we should be and what kind of friends we should have? Abraham, a Friend of God – Genesis 15:6 Everyone needs friends, so what does the Bible say about friends and friendship and what kind of friends […]

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4 Things God Wants Us to Pray For

by Jack Wellman
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Knowing what to pray for is no mystery as God’s Word tells us, and here are 4 things we know God wants us to be praying for. Pray About Everything Knowing what to pray for is no mystery because God’s Word tells us how and what to pray for and here are 4 things we […]

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A Guide to Modernizing Church Services With Technology

by Jack Wellman
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Churches are using technology like never before and so here is a guide to modernizing church services with technology. Technology Churches are using technology like never before and so here is a guide to modernizing church services with technology. First of all, our church streams our services over Facebook and posts them on YouTube, but […]

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The Many Ways We Break the Ten Commandments

by Jack Wellman
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Everyone has broken the Ten Commandments, but here are the many ways that we can too if we’re not careful. What is Sin? Everyone has broken the Ten Commandments, but here are the many ways that we can too if we’re not careful, so first off…what is sin? Sin is the transgression of the Law […]

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