How the Trinity Works Together in Our Salvation

by Jack Wellman
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The Trinity is one of the most difficult things to wrap your mind around, so how do all Three Persons of the God-Head work together in our salvation? The Trinity Defined The Trinity is one of the most difficult things to wrap your mind around, so how do all Three Persons of the God-Head work […]

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How God Gifts and Equips Every Single Believer

by Jack Wellman
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God has dispensed gifts of the Holy Spirit to every believer, but He also empowers us with His Spirit. Let’s see how these work together. The Gift of Knowledge God has dispensed gifts of the Holy Spirit to every believer for the benefit of the church, but He also empowers believers with His Spirit. Let’s […]

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5 Ways God Shows His Love For You

by Jack Wellman
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God loves us, not because we were lovely, but only because He chose to love us, so here are 5 things about God’s love for you. It’s Unconditional God loves us, not because we were lovely, but only because He chose to love us, so here are 5 things about God’s love for you. The […]

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How God Uses Trials and Troubles to Trust Him

by Jack Wellman
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Most people want to avoid troubles, trials and tribulations, but God allows them, so how does God use trials and troubles to learn how to trust Him? Piles of Trials Most people want to avoid troubles, trials and tribulations, but God allows them for His purposes, so how does God use trials and troubles to […]

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How God Turns Our Failures Into Success

by Jack Wellman
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How can God use our many failures and turn them into success? Believe me, it’s possible! Using Failure How can God use our many failures and turn them into success? I can’t count all the inventors who, if they had given up, would have never invented great things like the airplane, the light bulb, the […]

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How God Equips Christian’s for Ministry

by Jack Wellman
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We could not do anything in ministry without God’s help and His equipping us, so how does God equip believers and the church for ministry? Qualifying the Unqualified I can’t remember who said it, but someone once said, “God doesn’t call the qualified, but qualifies the called.” Think about this. Do you ever remember anyone […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Consulting Psychics?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible say about consulting psychics, astrology, reading horoscopes, or listening to false prophets try to predict the future? The Omniscient God What does the Bible say about consulting psychics, astrology, reading horoscopes, or listening to false prophets try to predict the future? Think about this: God doesn’t ever learn anything new because […]

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How Christians Should React to the Covid-19 Delta Variant Pandemic?

by Jack Wellman
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Many unsaved people are watching how Christians react to Covid-19 Delta variant. Do they see us having peace about this or do they see us living in fear like much of the world? Pandemics Many unsaved people are watching how Christians react to Covid-19 Delta variant Pandemic. Do they see us having peace about this […]

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How to Live a Victorious Life by Surrendering to God

by Jack Wellman
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The irony in living a joyful and victorious life is that we must surrender to God, even while making every effort. Surrendering The irony in living a joyful and victorious life is that we must surrender to God, even while making every effort, even though it’s not our effort that helps us live a victorious […]

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How to Be Holy, Humble and Hungry Believers

by Jack Wellman
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Today, Christians can be a little too prideful about their faith, so here’s how to be holy, stay humble, and be hungry for more of God and His Word. Becoming Holy Today, Christians can be a little too prideful about their faith, so here’s why God desires we become holy, stay humble, and be hungry […]

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