Rob Bell’s Hell

by Jack Wellman

Rob Bell, founding Pastor of the Mars Hill Church in Michigan with 10,000 congregants, has been stirring up much controversy in the evangelical community with his new book “Love Wins”.  He is essentially saying that if God is love, why would He send people to eternal damnation in hell and suffering for eternity?  He believes […]

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Does the Bible say What the Devil, Satan, or Demons look like?

by Jack Wellman

Have you ever wondered what Satan or the Devil looks like?  What about demons?  What are their appearances?  Does the Bible say what Satan or the demons look like?  Are demons fallen angels?  Is so, why did they fall away and did they become demons? What Satan Does Not Look Like First of all, the […]

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Is Smoking Cigarettes a Sin?

by Jack Wellman
Thumbnail image for Is Smoking Cigarettes a Sin?

Will a Christian who has been born again be lost if they don’t stop smoking?  Is it sin for a Christian to smoke?  If a Christian smokes, does it mean they really aren’t saved?  Is smoking and being a Christian incompatible? The Definition of Sin The Bible gives us the proper definition of sin.  It […]

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Cord of Three Strands: A Model for the Christian Marriage

by Jack Wellman

What does the Bible say about marriage?  What did Paul mean that it is better to remain single?  Did he mean that singleness is preferred above marriage?  What are biblical principles and guidelines for both husband and wife?  How can divorce be avoided?  Does God permit divorce?  Is marrying outside of your faith biblical? Marriage […]

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What Do Christians Believe About Dinosaurs?

by Jack Wellman

When Christians are asked by non-believers to reconcile dinosaurs and the account of creation in Genesis, many questions arise. Is the Bible silent about dinosaurs? Why are dinosaurs apparently never mentioned in scriptures? Did dinosaurs live before or during the time of Adam and Eve and mankind? We should note that the word “dinosaur”, which […]

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What is Speaking in Tongues? A Biblical Analysis

by Jack Wellman
Thumbnail image for What is Speaking in Tongues?  A Biblical Analysis

Many years ago I visited a church while out of town.  At the time I was unaware that it was a charismatic church.  When the church services started, it was quite clear that they believed in the gift of tongues.  I was urged to speak in tongues and to “give it up” to the Spirit.  […]

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9 Powerful Gifts of the Spirit From the Bible

by Jack Wellman

What are these gifts of the Spirit? How can you know that you have particular gifts of the Spirit? Can others give us an indication of what our gift is? What does the believer do with these gifts in the church? Are some gifts more important than others? Are the gifts of healing still being […]

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Are Guardian Angels Biblical?

by Jack Wellman

Are guardian angels biblical?  What is an angel’s chief duty for the believer?  Do unbelievers have guardian Angels?  Does each believer have their own angel or more than one?  Are angels dispensed only in emergencies or are they ever present with Christians?  What does the Bible say about angels? Who Has a Guardian Angel? Does […]

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Jesus Raises Lazarus: Bible Story Summary

by Jack Wellman
Thumbnail image for Jesus Raises Lazarus: Bible Story Summary

Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead is one of the most dramatic stories in the Bible.  It is found in John chapter eleven.  It is seen as proof positive that Jesus is God and that He has effectual power over mankind.  This is the seventh miracle that Jesus has performed and it is the capstone […]

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The Prodigal Son: Bible Story Summary, Analysis and Themes

by Jack Wellman

The parable of the Prodigal Son is a story about God’s redemptive grace and mercy.  It is a story of His unconditional love and forgiveness.  It is about God seeking sinners.  In Luke 15, Jesus tells about the youngest son coming to his father to ask for his inheritance ahead of time.  The youngest son […]

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