Samaritan Woman at the Well Bible Story and Lessons

by Jack Wellman
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Why was the woman at the well a turning point for women, not only in Christianity but also in the world?  The “woman at the well” or the story of the Samaritan Woman at the Well is a well known story where Jesus reveals Who He is to the woman, but there is a much […]

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Why Does God Love Us? Do We Really Deserve It?

by Jack Wellman
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Does God really love us?  Are we deserving of His love?  Why Does God Love Us? Does God Really Love Us?  The Bible is full of Scriptures where God declares His love for us.  One of the most famous of all is John 3:16 where it says, “For God so loved the world that he […]

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Spiritual Attacks: Putting on the Armor of God

by Jack Wellman
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Christians are fighting a daily battle.  Not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of darkness.  Believers do battle with fallen angels called demons, lead by the chief enemy of God, Satan.  These enemies of God and of ours attack believers on a consistent basis.  What can Christians do to arm themselves against these […]

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Why God Created Us? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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If a person believes in evolution then there is no “why” in life.  There is no purpose – there is no reason for anything except to eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we shall all die.  There is however, a purpose for our existence.  We are not blind accidents of nature.  We are not […]

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How to Love Your Wife: 7 Helpful Tips

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible commands men to love their wives as Christ loves the church.  This is a very difficult command to obey because Christ gave His own life for the church.  In fact He died for it.  The church is spoken of as the Bride of Christ and Jesus is the Bridegroom and the two are […]

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Christians Persecuting Other Christians

by Jack Wellman
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Many Christians suffer persecutions in their daily walk with Christ.  This should not be surprising.  Jesus predicted it for those who believed in Him (John 15:20) and the Apostle Peter told the church that they should not be surprised when they suffer insults because of their faith in Christ (I Peter 4:14).  What is surprising […]

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Happy Thanksgiving from What Christians Want to Know

by Jack Wellman
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We have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Here is a short list of things that come to mind when we think on the blessings from our readers:   We are so thankful for all of you who have visited our website over the year.  We are also grateful for your many comments […]

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Fear of Death: Bible Study and Help

by Jack Wellman
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How can we conquer our fear of death?  Is there a way to have no fear of death in this life?  What does the Bible say happens after a person dies? Everyone has a fear of death.  No one is immune. This is why some people have a fear of heights, some have a fear […]

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Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People – A Christian Perspective

by Jack Wellman
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Why do bad things happen to good people?  Why do good things happen to bad people?  What is the purpose of suffering? Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?  The first thing I could say about “good” people from a biblical perspective is that no one is really good but God.  Even Jesus said […]

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Why Does God Wait to Answer Prayer?

by Jack Wellman
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Why would God wait to answer our prayers?  Wouldn’t we expect that since God is all-powerful that He would answer immediately?  What is the purpose for God’s delaying our prayer requests? Outside of God’s Will One reason that God may not answer our prayers or that He waits is that we are asking for the […]

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