Who Created God? Is God Outside of Time?

by Jack Wellman
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Who created God?  Is God outside of time?  Is God uncaused?  Since we know the universe is not eternal, how can an eternal Creator God exist? Who Created God? I have had unbelievers say that if the universe was created by God then who created God?  That is actually a great question and I don’t […]

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Are Christians Hypocrites?

by Jack Wellman
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Are Christians hypocrites?  Do believers lead a dual life?  Are they living in duplicity?  Why do Christians believe in God and yet live contrary to His values? What is a Hypocrite? The word hypocrite is actually an old word for mask.  The Greeks used masks when they performed on stage to play multiple characters.  They […]

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How Should I Deal With Sin In My Workplace?

by Jack Wellman
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How should a Christian deal with sin in the workplace?  Is it okay to tell your boss or your supervisor if there are unethical practices going on at work?  Should you be a whistleblower?  What if your boss or supervisor told you to do something unethical at work and if you didn’t do it you […]

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Is It Biblical to Sue Someone?

by Jack Wellman
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Is it biblical to sue someone?  Is it permissible for Christians to sue other Christians?  What does the Bible say about believers who have disputes and whether they should bring each other to court to sue one another? Lawsuits Among Believers Apparently, the church at Corinth had a huge problem of division.  This was despite […]

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True Love: How Do You Know When You Find It?

by Jack Wellman
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How do you know it is true love when you find it?  How can you be sure it is true love or just infatuation?  What are the differences between lust and love? The World’s Definition of Love Most people use the word love loosely.  They love their team…they love to win…the love the spring, but […]

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Does God Tempt People to Sin?

by Jack Wellman
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Does God tempt people to sin?  Is God responsible when we are tempted?  Would God tempt us with sin just to test us? Where it says in the Bible that “God tempted them”, the literal translation of the Hebrew word for tempt is actually “test.” Did God Tempt Israel in the Wilderness? The Bible describes […]

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Right Vs. Wrong: How to Answer This from the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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How do we know what is right and what is wrong?  How do we base decisions on the grey areas of life from the Bible?  The Bible doesn’t address each and every issue of life so how can we find out what God would have us do in areas of right and wrong and know […]

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How to Find God’s Will in Your Life

by Jack Wellman
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Many people are seeking to find their purpose in life.  What is God’s purpose for them?  Frequently, the desires of our hearts are also the will of God.  How can you find out what God’s will is for your life?  The answer to these questions is of supreme importance, not only for believers, but for […]

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Are Natural Disasters from God?

by Jack Wellman
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Today we hear about natural disasters in the news almost everyday.   Tsunami’s, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, fire, droughts, and floods.  There is no shortage of natural disasters in the world today.  Are these natural catastrophes a judgment from God?  Is God using these to punish mankind?  In short, are natural disasters from God? God […]

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Why Should We Pray for Israel? A Christian Perspective

by Jack Wellman
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Why should we pray for Israel?  Does the Bible instruct us to?  Should we also be praying for the peace of Jerusalem like the Old Testament prophets sometimes did?  Should a Christian be obligated to pray for Israel? God’s Chosen People? God calls Israel the “apple of His eye” which is a term of endearment […]

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