Does Archaeology Support the Bible? A Look at the Evidence

by Jack Wellman
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Is there archaeological evidence to support the authenticity of the Bible?  Are there actual archaeological digs that have unearthed artifacts that are relevant to the recorded stories in the Bible?  Here is an actual look at real evidence that has been discovered by archaeologists. What is Archaeology? Archaeology is a science. It is the scientific […]

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Is it Biblical to Donate Blood, Platelets, or Organs?

by Jack Wellman
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We know that the Bible doesn’t mention donor cards, donating organs, donating platelets or plasma.  Are there applications in the Bible that could guide us as to whether a Christian should donate blood or donate their organs upon their death? Organ Donors On my driver’s license I have an Organ Donor place on the back […]

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How Do We Know the Bible is True? Is it Really the Word of God?

by Jack Wellman
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Many critics of Christianity attack the Bible’s truthfulness.  Many don’t believe it because they say it was written by man.  Is the Bible really God speaking to man?  Is the Bible of human origin or a direct revelation from God? The Bible The word Bible is from the root word “biblios” which is plural, and […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Helping the Poor?

by Jack Wellman
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Most Christians believe we are to help the poor but how are we to make good judgments on who to help and who not to help?  Are there Bible Scriptures that tell us just how we can help the poor and what we can do to help them? The Poor in Spirit Jesus spoke about […]

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Ten Characteristics of the Anti-Christ According to the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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What are the characteristics of the anti-Christ?  Are there some people alive that have these characteristics already?  How can we identify the anti-Christ by his attributes? What is an Anti-Christ? The word “anti” means to be opposed to or to be the opposite of.  You could say that anything that has the prefix “anti” on […]

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Are There Still Prophets Today?

by Jack Wellman
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Today, we hear of modern day prophets prophesying about things to come that are outside of the Word of God.  Are these true prophets of God?  What does the Bible say about prophets and what is the true test to validate if modern day prophets are what and who they claim to be? Old Testament […]

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God Particle Found: What is the Significance?

by Jack Wellman
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Physicists have discovered what has been called the “God Particle.”  It is essential, they say, to discovering the universe itself.  It is said to be the cornerstone of our understanding of space, time, and matter.  What is this God Particle? Higgs Boson It has taken dozens of years and billions of dollars to discover what […]

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Are Christians Republicans or Democrats? A Biblical Look at Politics

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible address whether a Christian should be involved with politics?  Would God rather us be Republicans or Democrats?  What is the biblical perspective on the parties and how we should vote? God is a Republican I have actually seen a bumper sticker that said “God is a Republican.”  My thought was, was He […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Slavery? Does it Condone It?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible teach against slavery?  Does the Old Testament or New Testament condone slavery?  What does the Bible say about slavery? Abolition of Slavery Started With Christianity Long before the end of the Civil War in the United States, William Wilberforce began the effort to abolish slavery in the British Empire.  In 1788 Wilberforce […]

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What is Sanctification? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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What is sanctification? How is it possible to become sanctified?  What does this mean? What is Sanctification? The definition, which fits nicely with what the Bible teaches, is that it means to be set apart for holy use.  It also means to make holy or to purify.  This is exactly the goal of every believer in […]

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