Non Essential Beliefs of Christianity: Beliefs Christians Can Disagree On

by Jack Wellman
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What non-essentials can Christians agree to disagree on?  We know what the essentials of the faith are but what are those things that we can differ on in our beliefs? The Essentials We know that the essentials are that Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and died to redeem fallen mankind […]

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Should A Christian Use Birth Control? If So, What Forms Are Acceptable?

by Jack Wellman
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Is it sin to use birth control?  If birth control is okay, what forms are acceptable to God?  Can we know from the Scriptures? Birth Control and Contraceptives Methods There are dozens of birth control and contraceptive methods that are available.  Hormonal methods include the use of oral contraceptives (called “the Pill”), skin patches, and […]

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How Can I Improve My Marriage: A Christian Study

by Jack Wellman
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Here are some ways that you can improve your marriage.  With marital problems increasing as never before, divorce is becoming too much of an easy out.  We’ve come up with some ways to improve your marriage in the hopes of strengthening it or saving it. Communication A lack of communication is fatal to the military.  […]

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Essential Beliefs of Christianity: Beliefs Christians Should Not Compromise On

by Jack Wellman
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There are essential beliefs on which Christians can not compromise. They are not negotiable. These essentials are what makes it Christianity; without them, it is just another world religion. Compromising the True Gospel One of the greatest differences between Christianity and all other religions is that one is from God and the others are man-made.  […]

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Primary Causes for Divorce: A Christian Study

by Jack Wellman
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What are the primary causes for divorce that most couples overlook?  What can we do to alleviate these causes?  To know the cause is to know what to do and to hopefully reduce the chances of a divorce occurring.  Here are some of the primary causes for divorce. Top Reasons For Divorce Some of the […]

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Why Should Christians Pray if God is Sovereign?

by Jack Wellman
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Since God is sovereign over all that happens then why should Christians pray?  Why pray if God has already predetermined what is going to happen?  What is the point of praying then? God Is Sovereign Over Our Salvation God is sovereign over the entire universe.  Even the king’s heart is in the hands of God […]

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Ways To Strengthen My Marriage: 4 Christian Tips

by Jack Wellman
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Marriages are in trouble today but there are simple things that you can do every day to strengthen your marriage.  Find out how you can strengthen your marriage, and in the process, possibly save it. Bragging About Your Spouse in Public and Private One of the most demeaning things that couples can do to each […]

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Roman Crucifixion Methods: What Did Jesus Endure?

by Jack Wellman
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Crucifixion is believed to be the worst kind of death that has ever been invented.  What was it like?  What did Jesus have to endure so that you and I could have eternal life? The Worst of All Executions Perhaps the most cruel, vindictive, torturous death anyone at anytime in history could have ever experienced […]

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How Can I Save My Marriage? A Christian Perspective

by Jack Wellman
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Marriages today have never been in more serious jeopardy.  Even among Christians, the divorce rate is soaring, the number of adulterous affairs is skyrocketing, and the number of spouses divorcing has never been higher.  How can you save your marriage? Marriages are in Trouble I have never seen so many marital problems in the past […]

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How Should I Pray? A Biblical Analysis

by Jack Wellman
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Does it sometimes seem like your prayers stop at the ceiling? Praying is hard enough without knowing exactly how to do it. How is a Christian supposed to pray? Are there ways to make our prayers more effective? What is Prayer? Praying is simply talking to God as a child would to their father.  Rather […]

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